Saturday, June 14, 2014

Jerusalem, Judea And Samaria, All Belong To Israel Regardless Of What Americans, The EU Or Palestinians Say!

Let Them All Protest -This Land is Ours

So the world makes noises when we build. So what?
Let the world go crazy – the independent, sovereign State of Israel is building 1,500 new homes on Jewish land which Israel controls. Go figure: an independent sovereign country is actually building? Laying foundations? Painting walls? Stop the presses. 
Israel’s legitimate right to build is its prerogative – and there is no reason which needs to be given.
With all due respect, as a Judea & Samaria supporter who owns a PR agencythe language used by the valiant Minister of Housing, Uri Ariel is simply wrong.  Quoted by The Washington Post, “Ariel said the construction was a “fitting Zionist response to the formation of a Palestinian terror government.”
BIN-OpEd-Experts-300x250(1)I disagree – these homes are Zionism and should not be positioned as anything other than the right thing for Jews.  What they do or do not do doesn’t matter.
While America’s Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro said that the U.S. opposes the planned settlement construction, Shapiro is wrong.  And State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said the new housing was  “illegitimate” – and she also is wrong.  Whether Hamas is or is not in the government, these American representatives are wrong.
This land is Jewish land.
The EU said in a statement it was “deeply disappointed” by the housing approvals, saying they were “unhelpful to peace efforts.” Who cares!  This land is Jewish land – and it should not be positioned as a response to the “Palestinian terror government” established earlier this week.
Whatever they do has nothing to do with the fact that Judea & Samaria belong to Israel.
May those Jewish homes be blessed – as must the additional 1,800 units which will be expected next week.  No matter how much land Israel would ever give the Palestinian Arabs, it is not enough. Judea and Samaria, as well as Eastern Jerusalem belong to Israel – and the Palestinian Arabs seek to destroy Israel as a Jewish State. That was true before Hamas was in the government – and remains true now.
As Ze’ev Jabotinsky wrote in The Story of The Jewish Legion, “Everybody is wrong and you alone are right?’ No doubt this question springs by itself to the reader’s lips and mind. It is customary to answer this with apologetic phrases to the effect that I fully respect public opinion, that I bow to it, that I was glad to make concessions….All this is unnecessary, and all this is untrue. You cannot believe in anything in the world, if you admit even once that perhaps your opponents are right, and not you. This is not the way to do things. There is but one truth in the world, and it is all yours. If you are not sure of it, stay at home; but if you are sure, don’t look back, and it will be your way.”As Jabotinsky wrote, “Do not underestimate the power of a right, and don’t exaggerate the value of a building that is being built. I, too, respect the construction of a building, but woe upon us if we extract the basis of our right to exist from it.…”
These are the places where Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and David lived – And Judea and Samaria belong to Israel.  These areas are Jewish areas of the State of Israel. Period.
As Yitzchak Shamir rightly noted, “Israel’s days without Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria are gone and will not return.”

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