Thursday, June 26, 2014

Missing Emails Should Require A Special Prosecutor. Will Holder Appoint One?

Cruz: Impeach Holder If He Doesn’t Appoint Special Prosecutor For IRS Investigation

June 26, 2014 by  
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Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz on Thursday called for Attorney General Eric Holder’s impeachment in the Department of Justice fails to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of conservatives and former IRS employee Lois Lerner’s mysteriously missing emails.
Cruz said that the IRS’s “computer crash” excuse for not providing Congressional investigators with two years’ worth of Lerner’s emails screams of a criminal conspiracy.
“We’re told that the hard drive crashed, and that the documents are irretrievable under any circumstance,” Cruz said. “We also know that hate IRS didn’t follow the law when it failed to report the hard drive crash that we’re told occurred.”
Cruz likened the IRS tactics to those used to cover up wrongdoing during the Nixon Administration.
“Make no mistakes. These emails haven’t just been lost. These emails have been deleted, taped over, and the hard drive physically destroyed according to public news reports. Madame President, this is Rosemary Woods,” Cruz charged. “Madame President, when you have Federal government officials destroying evidence, in the ordinary parlance that’s called obstruction of justice. The hard drive magically collapses, magically crashes and is physically destroyed right after the investigation begins.”
If a Republican Administration were in power as the IRS scandal unfolded, according to Cruz, every Democrat and mainstream media outlet would be trying to get to the bottom of the abuse of power.
“If Attorney General Eric Holder continues to refuse to appoint a special prosecutor, he should be impeached,” Cruz concluded. “Madame President, when an Attorney General refuses to enforce the law, when an Attorney General mocks the rule of law, when an Attorney General corrupts the Department of Justice by conducting a nakedly partisan investigation to cover up political wrongdoing, that conduct by any reasonable measure constitutes high crimes and misdemeanors.”
Cruz called for unanimous consent on his resolution to require Holder to appoint a special prosecutor— Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) objected on Democrats’ behalf, blocking passage of the measure.

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