Monday, June 23, 2014

New IRS Excuses--Got Any Others Or Suggestions. How About Climate Change Made It Impossible To Comply?

Lawmaker Mocks IRS With ‘The Dog Ate My Tax Receipts Act’

June 23, 2014 by  
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Lawmaker Mocks IRS With ‘The Dog Ate My Tax Receipts Act’

Representative Steve Stockman (R-Texas) has introduced legislation that would afford average Americans the ability to “offer a variety of dubious excuses” for not having tax documents for the Internal Revenue Service after “the IRS offered an incredibly dubious excuse for its failure to turn documents over to House investigators.”
Stockman’s tongue-in-cheek legislation, “The Dog Ate My Tax Receipts Act,” would offer taxpayers 10 outlandish reasons for not submitting paperwork requested by the IRS:
1.         The dog ate my tax receipts
2.         Convenient, unexplained, miscellaneous computer malfunction
3.         Traded documents for five terrorists
4.         Burned for warmth while lost in the Yukon
5.         Left on table in Hillary’s Book Room
6.         Received water damage in the trunk of Ted Kennedy’s car
7.         Forgot in gun case sold to Mexican drug lords
8.         Forced to recycle by municipal Green Czar
9.         Was short on toilet paper while camping
10.       At this point, what difference does it make?
Stockman introduced his bill a week after the IRS claimed that it had lost two years’ worth of former official Lois Lerner’s emails because of a computer crash. Lawmakers suspect that some of the missing emails implicate Lerner and others in an IRS plot to target conservative groups.
“Taxpayers shouldn’t be expected to follow laws the Obama administration refuses to follow themselves,” Stockman said in a statement. “Taxpayers should be allowed to offer the same flimsy, obviously made-up excuses the Obama administration uses.”

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