Sunday, June 29, 2014

Obama Administration Confirms Our Paranoia.

Last May 8, 2013, we wrote the following posting, and since then our list of issues with Obama have only expanded. Some of them are:

     We have seen illegal children immigrants coming to this country by the thousands through what looks like was a planned invasion by the Administration. When ICE sent out requests for "escorts" of 65,000 children in January, before the invasion started, can one not suspect, it was planned.

     The IRS scandal has only got worse as they "lost" all of Lois Lerner's emails as well as those of others involved in the scandal.

     Iraq has exploded into a mess that can only be tied to the withdrawal of all American troops.ISIS is close on capturing a broad swath of central Iraq and is threatening Baghdad. Obama says no "boots on the ground" yet has 300 "advisors"  on the ground. Are they barefoot?

     Obama is considering working with Iran against ISIS which will also pit the US against Saudi Arabia. Confusing? Not a place for a neophyte, yet that is what we have leading this country.

     Three teenagers are kidnapped by Hamas in Israel and Obama says or does nothing.

     When Hamas and Fatah join to form a government, the Obama Administration recognizes it even though they had threatened to cut off support had the merger gone ahead.

     In Syria, Obama drew a red line and then was saved by Putin when he could not get the country to go along with him.

Everywhere he turns, whether domestically or internationally, Obama is making a mess. It will not get better in the next two and a half years.

We have described the demise of America and how it is tied to Obama as the first hill on a roller coaster. We have climbed the hill and are just starting down. Things will go faster, things will get worse during the remainder of the Obama term.

He promised to "fundamentally" change America, and he has!  It will only get worse and by January 2017, who knows what this country will look like. We fear it will be worse than anyone can imagine, even if you are not a paranoid!

Conservative Tom


We have been called many things over time but prophet has not been one of them, until the Obama Administration. Now it seems that at every turn these Stooges make us look prophetic.  Whether it is on Benghazi or his using his Administrative powers to institute gun control, we saw it coming and some laughed.

Of course, it is not hard when dealing with the most anti-democratic president in American history. Anything that will increase his power and decrease the rights of the average citizen, he will push it to the nth degree.  His incompetency whether planned or not, no longer amazes us. His hate, yes we used that word, of American exceptionalism only is exceeded by his dislike of our history and those who created the most free country in the world.

At every turn from his early campaigns to his latest visit to Mexico, he had slammed America, denigrated our successes and emphasized our mistakes. He is an America-phobe. He minimizes our best attributes and screams at the top of his lungs, where we have gone wrong.

Obama hates everything that has to do with America (except for the benefits he and his family can steal from us) and has made it his goal to bring us to our knees.  In the next three plus years, we will see even more outrageous programs whose only purpose is to bankrupt this country and turn us into a third world country. He is well on his way.

So next time someone calls us paranoid, we promise to wear this as a badge of honor!  Bring it on!

Conservative Tom

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