Monday, June 9, 2014

Of Course, Abbas Is Lying And The Obama/Kerry Team Is Too Stupid To Understand Or Willing To Go Along With The Lie To Isolate Israel!

Hamas: Abbas Lying, Trying to “Trick the Americans”

“No one who practices deceit shall dwell in my house; no one who utters lies shall continue before my eyes.” (Psalm 101:7)
U.S. President Barack Obama and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas during a joint press conference at the Muqata Presidential Compound in the West Bank City of Ramallah. March 21, 2013. (Photo: Issam RImawi/FLASH90)
U.S. President Barack Obama and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas during a joint press conference at the Muqata Presidential Compound in the West Bank City of Ramallah. March 21, 2013. (Photo: Issam RImawi/FLASH90)
In the wake of the unity agreement between Hamas and Fatah, a former Hamas spokesman has revealed that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is lying to the world to get what he wants.
Ihab al-Ghussein confirmed that Abbas has said in private meetings that he is trying to “trick the Americans” and lying in public statements to receive sympathy and increase anti-Israel sentiments. Al-Ghussein held the position of Hamas spokesman during negotiations between Hamas and Fatah in forming the Palestinian unity government.
In a Facebook post, translated by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), Al-Ghussein wrote that “behind closed doors” Abbas has said “when I go out and say that the government is my government and it recognizes ‘Israel’ and so on, fine – these words are meant to trick the Americans.”

According to Al-Ghussein, Abbas told Hamas representatives, “Guys, let me (continue) saying what I say to the media. Those words are meant for the Americans and the occupation, not for you. What’s important is what we agree on among ourselves…Don’t harp on everything I tell the media, forget about the statements in the media.”
Al-Ghussein’s revelation contradicts previous public statements made by Abbas. Abbas has promised the US that the unity government would be made up of “independent technocrats” with no allegiance to political or terror organizations, despite the fact that three Hamas ministers were sworn in to the new government.
Abbas promised US Secretary of State John Kerry that the unity government, under PA control, would uphold principals of recognizing Israel, upholding previous international agreements, and rejecting violence and terror.
The US and EU have rushed to the aid of the unity government. The Obama administration confirmed last week that it would “work with” the new government while monitoring it “closely.” State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki stated last Monday that the new government “does not include members affiliated with Hamas.”
Hamas has consistently contradicted Abbas’s statements, reiterating that the Gaza-based terror organization would never recognize Israel and would continue to use violence and terror to destroy the “Zionist enemy.”


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