Thursday, June 19, 2014

Reid Lies More Than Obama And That Takes A Bit Of Doing?

Harry Reid Declares That Democrats Don’t Have Billionaire Donors

June 19, 2014 by  
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Majority Leader Harry Reid embarked on yet another Senate floor tirade against the evil Koch brothers Thursday, declaring that the problem with the billionaire duo’s donations to conservative causes is that Democrats can’t match the influence because the party “doesn’t have many billionaires.”
Reid’s speech came as he approved Senator Tom Udall’s (D-Colo.) amendment to give Congress further authority to regulate the raising and spending of campaign finances.
“The decisions by the Supreme Court have left the American people with the status quo in which one side’s billionaires are pitted against the other side’s billionaires,” he said. “Except one side doesn’t have many billionaires. We must undo the damage done by the Supreme Court’s recent campaign finance decisions, and we need to do it now.”
Of course, we all know Reid is talking out of his ass.
According to Open Secrets, former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg has donated more than $19 million in the past two years, largely to left-leaning groups that support gun control.
Furthermore, the top of the organization’s list of big political donors is dominated by unions.
Screenshot from Open Secrets 

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