Saturday, June 21, 2014

Reid Lies. Says Dems Are Losing. Not True.

Reid's Polls Show Senate Democrats in Trouble

Image: Reid's Polls Show Senate Democrats in Trouble
Friday, 20 Jun 2014 01:49 PM
By Jim Meyers
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Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid issued an urgent appeal for campaign contributions Friday, citing polls that show several Democratic candidates — including three incumbent senators — in extremely tight races.

"Polling is close in 11 states, and only six seats protect us from Republican control over everything from the future of healthcare reform to the next Supreme Court nomination," Reid states in a mailing on Friday.

"The Koch Brothers and Karl Rove are pouring a mountain of cash into taking over the Senate."

He notes that winning four tightly contested states "is essential if we're going to stop them."

He focuses on those four states and the amount of money the GOP spent this week on the campaigns in his fundraising appeal:

In North Carolina, Democratic Sen. Kay Hagan is tied at 44 percent with state Rep. Thom Tillis. The GOP spent $732,667 there this week, according to Reid.

Another Democratic incumbent, Mark Pryor in Arkansas, leads Rep. Tom Cotton by just one percentage point, 46 to 45. Republican spending this week is $337,158.

Incumbent Mark Begich is tied at 42 percent with Alaska's Department of Natural Resources Commissioner Daniel Sullivan. GOP spending for the week there is $296,401, he said.

Reid also cites the Kentucky race, where Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes trails Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell by two percentage points, 46 to 44. Spending is $233,370.

Adding to the sense of desperation — Reid said "we need you to make a contribution before midnight tonight."

Reid sent out a similar appeal last month, mentioning three of the same races, but including the Colorado fight between incumbent Democrat Mark Udall and Republican challenger Rep. Cory Gardner rather than the Kentucky election.

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