Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Invasion Has Started. Central American Kids Coming Here Daily. Are You Prepared To Resist This Invasion?

If there ever will be something that finally motivates Americans to take action against this runaway government it will be the silent, Obama-encouraged invasion of America by children from Central America. Citizens of this country, while overly generous during times of need, should feel as if these kids are being dropped on their doorstep and Americans are expected to take care of them. 

The only explanation for this flood of children is that they have been encouraged by a) this administration's lax enforcement of the border and/or b) actual advertising or by activists in these countries encouraging parents to put their children on buses destined to the US. 

If one child reaches and settles in this country, we suspect that the plan is that he can then petition the US government to allow his parents, siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins to join him./her here. (Hey, we don't want to separate families!)  In this way one child might be able to bring 10-200 others into this country. Do the math. If each child only brought ten (which is probably low), and we already are approaching 50,000 children this year, that is another half million new immigrants. How soon will it be that this "child invasion" will bring 20-30 million new immigrants?

We suspect that all of these "anchor" children and most of those who are "invited" to rejoin them here, will come without few assets and little in the way of education or skills. In other words, they will become wards of the state taking valuable assets away from the rest of society to provide them with welfare, housing, food stamps (EBT cards), transportation, health care, education and the like.

Additionally, as we saw in previous posts today, even states like Virginia (which is not near the Southern border) are having children dropped in their laps. The story that has been fed to and regurgitated  by the lap dog media is that they are being housed on military bases in the Southwest. Obviously, that is another Obama Administration  lie as Lawrenceville, Virginia clearly exhibits.

Also, press reports by non-mainstream sources indicate that many of these illegals have communicable disease which have been eradicated in the US and which now will gain a foothold here. Is that what you want?

So we have potentially millions of uneducated, impoverished Central American peasants being brought to this country by who knows, for what purpose we can only suspect, and we are expected to jump and say "welcome?"  We don't think so.

It is time to a) close all borders to ALL Central Americans b) deport to Mexico anyone (central american, Hungarian, Middle Easterner) who did not come to this country legally regardless of age and c) tell Mexico that these immigrants are their problem and they should fix it. Our neighbor to the south is part of the problem as they let these people transit their country, it time they take responsibility.

The sad part is that the Obama Administration is the one encouraging the "invasion."  They will not act against their plan. They want America to implode and bringing millions of illegals here only expedites the time when our country falls. 

Are you going to do nothing? Or are you going to take action? Here is what we suggest.

First, we need to know where these illegals are being held. We cannot depend on the news media or the government to tell us the truth so we need citizen soldiers to report where they find these invaders. Once your find them, organize protests locally.

Next,  bring pressure on local officials to move them out of the area.  Individual citizens have more power when dealing locally. Take these people to task and demand the illegals be moved out of your town.

If  local pressure does not work, your last resort we will be to peacefully cut off re-supply of the bases, universities, warehouses and other locations where the illegals are being housed.  If you make it impossible to bring food and supplies, the government will either move them or take actions against those who impose the blockade. If you act peacefully as they did at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada, their extreme measures (which we are sure they will try sooner or later) will drag the news media to the scene where you can make your points and cast the Administration is the negative view that it needs to be.

Peaceful resistance is the key. The government does not know how to react to peace, they only know force and believe us when we say, they will use it.  

Or we could do  nothing, continue watching "Dancing With The Stars" or " Bachelorette" or your favorites football team while the country is invaded by the poor, illiterate and unhealthy of the world.  It is your choice. Ours is to go out and find the locations of the immigrants in our area.  Are you with us?

Conservative Tom

PS.  If you want to know where illegal aliens are being held in your state, go to the following link:

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