Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The World Is On Fire, America Is Cratering. Obama's Mission Is Accomplished. No Wonder He Can Play Golf!

President Golf

June 17, 2014 by  

President Golf

Thousands of Hispanics a day — mostly children — are swarming across the Southern U.S. border, overwhelming the system and creating a refugee nightmare. An Islamic horde called the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) — so evil that even al-Qaida has distanced itself from the group — is cutting a swath of terror and vicious, brutal mayhem across Iraq, using American weapons supplied to al-Qaida in Syria or left in Iraq following the U.S pullout and/or given to the Iraqi military. Russia and the U.S. are each posturing and prodding each other as if on the brink of war. The U.S. economy is in shambles.
So President Barack Obama shuffles off to vacation, play a round or two of golf at exclusive clubs only the 1 percent can afford, and raise money for the Democrat National Committee.
I often marvel as many conservatives see the country burning down around them and say things like, “Obama is an idiot,” “He’s clueless,” “Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing,” etc. Does a person, even an incompetent one, just walk away from his job as things are falling apart?
No. One walks away when his work is done. He vacations when he is finished with the task and is waiting to see it come to fruition.
Obama’s actions — golfing as the world burns — are those of a man who feels his work is done. Obama has set things in motion for the final collapse. His handlers must be proud. He knows what he’s doing, and he’s done it well.
He’s earned that round of golf. After all, intentionally transforming a country into a Third World backwater is tough work. Destroying the world is harder still.W

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