Saturday, July 26, 2014

Biased Press Coverage Of Chicago Anti-Israel Rally And Comments By Idiots

Anti-Israel rally held in Chicago
Israel’s airstrikes and ground assault on Gaza in the past two weeks have killed around 500 Palestinians and left more than 3,000 others wounded. The majority of the victims are women and children.
Israel’s airstrikes and ground assault on Gaza in the past two weeks have killed around 500 Palestinians and left more than 3,000 others wounded. The majority of the victims are women and children.
Mon Jul 21, 2014 10:18AM GMT
Thousands of people in Chicago marched through downtown Sunday afternoon calling for an end to the Israeli assault on the besieged Gaza Strip.
Waving Palestinian flags, holding posters and shouting into bullhorns, the protesters flooded the city’s streets to show their support for the Palestinians who have been under brutal attacks by the Israeli military, reported.
The protesters say Israel is indiscriminately killing Palestinians.
Israel’s airstrikes and ground assault on Gaza in the past two weeks have killed around 500 Palestinians and left more than 3,000 others wounded. Many of the victims are women and children.
Chicago protestors lay down on the concrete to represent the Palestinians who have been killed in the conflict.
A number of different groups joined the protesters as they marched to the Israeli consulate, including Jewish organizations, the report said.
Hatem Abudayyeh with the Chicago Coalition for Justice told Newsradio that, “People across the world are coming out in condemnation of Israel’s crimes and in condemnation of US support for those crimes.”
Israel’s Deputy Consul to the Midwest says they are “defending” their citizens against Hamas rocket attacks, which have killed only a few Israelis so far.
Hamas killed 18 soldiers in ground battles with Israelis and arrested an Israeli soldier. Two of the soldiers killed by Hamas fighters are said to be American.
The US government has publicly supported the Israeli onslaught, with President Barack Obama affirming Tel Aviv’s “rights to defend itself.”
The White House said Sunday evening that Secretary of State John Kerry would head to Cairo on Monday to meet with Egyptian officials in an attempt to negotiate a ceasefire.
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Jul 21, 2014 3:2 PM
Israel has no home. The land was stolen from the Palestinian people. Israel is evil period. They are liars and murderers just like their father Cain.
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Jul 21, 2014 11:55 AM
Israel’s apologists always chant the mantra that ‘Israel has the right to defend itself’ but actually is doesn’t because Israel itself has no right to exist! Israel doesn’t have a shred of legitimacy to it once the League of Nations, the founders of what we call international law, set it down that people have the right to self-determination. This basic right was denied to the Palestinians who were and still are being genocided and ethnically cleansed from their homeland. There are many reasons why the Jews hate the Palestinians but they also relish the idea that they are killing the descendents of the extended family of Jesus himself, the worlds most famous Palestinian. God or Allah is with the Palestinians whether they be Muslims or Christians and they will overcome.
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Naseer Ansariin reply to Philip
7/21/2014 2:01:33 PM
I agree with you that Israel never had a right to exist. There is no biological evidence of the claim of the present Israelis that some 2000 years ago their ancestors lived there. These Israelis are mainly of European descent. Equally absurd is that their god promised this land to them. I can not believe in a god who would be as unjust as to give away a land where indigenous people had been living ever since any one started living there to a totally alien people. This is illogical and immoral.
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Naseer Ansari
Jul 21, 2014 11:35 AM
I had the good fortune of participating in the rally. There must have been at least 15,000 marchers and there was tremendous energy among them. There have been several protests in many other cities of the world. I hope they have some impact on the governments, although I do not expect any thing from the US government and the congress which are extremely biased against the Palestinians who have repeatedly been the victims of Israeli aggression. I do not also expect any thing from the American people who are completely brainwashed by the pro Israeli western media, although the people are basically just. It is incumbent upon us to make them aware of what is going on in Palestine.
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Jul 21, 2014 11:29 AM
Netanyahu is a terrorist in a suit,hiding behind a good command of the English language.He's a war monger at heart.
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For Israel
Jul 21, 2014 11:6 AM
Better put....Arabs (and their friends) in Chicago rally in support of Gazans.What else do I expect?
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