Saturday, July 12, 2014

Bloomberg Displaying His Idiocy Wonders If Colorado Has Any Paved Roads! Typical Eastern Attitude.

Bloomberg Gives Colorado Governor Hickenlooper’s GOP Opponent An Unintended Gift

July 11, 2014 by  
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Sometimes they make it easy.
Michael Bloomberg gave 2nd Amendment advocates, as well as Coloradans of every ideological persuasion, plenty to get cranky about when his uninformed and condescending remarks about the State were printed in a Rolling Stone interview the magazine erroneously posted a few days too early to its website (cached version here).
Bloomberg’s offending words? “The NRA went after two or three state senators in a part of Colorado where I don’t think there’s roads. It’s as far rural as you can get. And, yes, they lost recall elections.”
Though intended, perhaps, as an attempt to flippantly and humorously downplay the impact of voter reaction to the passage of new gun control laws in Colorado last year, Bloomberg’s comment struck locals as an insult borne of aloof, elitist ignorance concerning the real, ground-level America he wishes to improve.
Even the local TV news got in on the act, with an anchor for Colorado Springs-based KKTVretorting “we have plenty of paved roads.”
The biggest beneficiary from Bloomberg’s dorkism is probably Republican Gubernatorial candidate Bob Beauprez, who pounced on the remarks by offering this statement:
Michael Bloomberg’s infuriatingly ignorant remarks show how far removed he is from Colorado, and how wrong John Hickenlooper was to let Bloomberg force his radical agenda on Colorado.
The biggest loser, as you might have guessed, is probably Hickenlooper – the Democratic incumbent Governor of Colorado (and Beauprez’ opponent this fall) who sided with the majority in the State legislature by signing the three gun control measures into law last year.
Voters responded to that measure by ousting two State Senators in recall votes, and effectively forced the pre-emptive resignation of a third lawmaker who didn’t want the hassle of dealing with a successful recall vote.

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