Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Bloomberg Supports Republicans. Does He Want Something Back? Duh! Of Course He Does! Follow The Money!

Lindsey Graham, Thad Cochran Took Money From Nanny Bloomberg To Beat Conservatives

July 16, 2014 by  
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Lindsey Graham, Thad Cochran Took Money From Nanny Bloomberg To Beat Conservatives
As the GOP leadership continues to wage war on conservative challenges to establishment candidates, some Republican voters in South Carolina and Mississippi might be surprised to find that the candidate they voted for was backed by notoriously liberal former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
POLITICO report out this week reveals that Bloomberg donated $250,000 to a PAC that supported Graham in the primary battle he won last month.
Bloomberg’s donation to the pro-Graham “West Main Street Values PAC” isn’t all that surprising, as the South Carolina Congressman’s record is littered with liberal-leaning and big-government positions such as his 2009 embrace of cap and trade tax hikes and support for amnesty for illegal aliens.
Graham spent more than $5 million in his primary race and beat out a field of six challengers.
Bloomberg also used his money to meddle in the controversial Mississippi Senate race wherein incumbent Senator Thad Cochran narrowly defeated challenging State Senator Chris McDaniel. The former mayor reportedly donated $250,000 to Cochran’s effort.
According to a source left unnamed byPOLITICO, the wealthy liberal’s motivation is propping up “candidates in primaries who have a track record of working across party lines.”

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