Thursday, July 24, 2014

Border Problem Solution: Every District That Voted For Obama, Must House Illegal Immigrants. Betcha The Border Problem Would Get Solved In A Minute!

Send The Invasion Of Illegals To Beverly Hills And Georgetown

July 24, 2014 by  
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Hi! I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. The massive illegal immigrant invasion of our southern border is more than just a national crisis. It’s part of the greatest conspiracy in world history — a purposeful attempt to create catastrophe, overwhelm the system and force the American people to make a dreadfully wrong decision under duress.
Barack Obama wants our good-hearted Christian Nation to see women, children and families begging for help, begging to live the American dream. He wants immigrants to be in the worst possible shape after a long journey from Central America — starving, injured, diseased and in such terrible shape our hearts break and we agree to take them all in.
He is purposely creating a crisis, hoping to force us to overreact by agreeing not only to help these new arrivals, but to grant amnesty for 12 million other illegals already here.
He wants us to approve government expansion and billions of dollars in new spending. Will he use that money to “solve” the crisis? No! He’ll use it to pay for lawyers for each illegal immigrant (to prevent deportation) and to hand them billions of dollars in welfare, food stamps, aid to dependent children, education and, of course, free meals at school — all paid for by the middle class.
It’s a two-for-one. This is how you create a permanent, loyal Democratic voter bloc at the same time you bankrupt the middle class.
As I explain in my new book The Murder of the Middle Class, this is a purposeful plan right out of the Richard Cloward-Frances Fox Piven playbook. How do I know? I was Obama’s college classmate at Columbia University, Class of ’83. We learned this plan at Columbia. My classmates vowed to someday put it into effect to overwhelm the system, collapse capitalism, crash the U.S. economy and force America to its knees.
From that position of crisis, weakness and panic, they vowed to “fundamentally change the country.” Recognize the plan? It’s happening right now.
So how do we fight back? Obama and his socialist cabal are liars, frauds and hypocrites. Yes, they want to help the poor and downtrodden — but only with your money.
Yes, they want to house the world’s homeless — but only in your home.
Yes, they want to let in the world’s poverty-stricken immigrants — but only into your backyard.
None of this “dirty work” ever touches their mansions, yachts, private jets, private schools or, God forbid, their precious children.
Last I checked, Sasha and Malia Obama won’t go to school next to shoeless illegal immigrants with lice, scabies and tuberculosis. Last I checked, illegals with gang tattoos from head to toe won’t be mugging old ladies or dealing crack in front of the Georgetown mansions of lobbyists, lawyers and politicians like Hillary Clinton.
Or maybe they will. 
Bringing this flood of illegal children (have you noticed how with liberals it’s always “we’re doing it for the children?”) into nice, middle-class communities to destroy their neighborhoods, schools and budgets is all part of Obama’s plan to overwhelm the system and murder the middle class.
It’s time we counter these liberal, elite hypocrites. First, we must stand and fight to the last breath. The answer is so simple: Send them back.
Then take action to secure our border.
The last thing any Republican should do now is support any form of amnesty. Are we that stupid? That message would result in millions more poverty-stricken illegals coming.
But in the meantime, let’s demand these hordes of illegal immigrants — many carry disease; many, if not most, are not “innocent minors” but are tattooed gangbangers, hardened criminals, drug dealers and murderers — be housed in Beverly Hills, or the Upper East Side of Manhattan, or fashionable Georgetown.
Georgetown is the part of Washington, D.C., where all the liberal, elitist hypocrite politicians live. If Obama and his socialist cabal want illegals in this country, let them step over them as they get into their limos or shop for their $2,500 dresses.
But don’t stop there. Let’s send them to Beverly Hills, Brentwood, the Upper East Side of Manhattan, Scarsdale, Great Neck, Malibu, Westwood, Brentwood, Palo Alto, Napa, Atherton, Menlo Park, Carmel –and don’t forget the ritziest neighborhoods in Boston and Chicago.
These rich enclaves have the money and resources, so let Obama’s socialist cabal live among the poor, huddled masses.
Give them jobs at the Ralph Lauren store on Rodeo Drive, or the Armani store on Madison Avenue, or at Saks Fifth Avenue.
Why doesn’t Rachel Maddow hire one of them as the booker for her MSNBC show?
Since Obama is so quick to sue American companies for daring to demand English be spoken at the office, Michelle Obama can hire a few to work in key positions at the White House. Perhaps they can speak Spanish only, while directing national security?
Perhaps Clinton can get one of these illegals a $600,000 minimal-work job at NBC, like she got her daughter Chelsea.
Why are we sending this needy horde of illegal immigrants to struggling middle-class neighborhoods? Why are they being sent only to red States? Because this is all part of Obama’s purposeful plan to destroy America.
Let’s turn the tables. Let’s bus them to the elite, snobby liberal towns. If you liberals like illegals so much, you take care of them.
While we’re at it, let’s demand they go to school at elite private schools. Start with Sidwell Friends School, where Sasha and Malia attend school. Let’s see how Michelle Obama reacts when her precious daughters come home with lice, or cough with TB, or party with tattooed gangbangers from El Salvador.
There’s the ticket. It’s time to turn the tables. Let the wealthy liberals who support Obama and weep for illegal immigrants practice what they preach. It’s time to send the illegal crisis to the doors of Beverly Hills and Georgetown.
That’s how you turn around the murder of the middle class and take back our country.
I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. I hope you’ll read my newly released book, The Murder of the Middle Class. It’s available at any bookstore, Costco or Sam’s Club. Or, of course, you can order it at right now. See you next week. God bless America.

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