Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Check Out This Site. It Gives You A Totally Different, More Personal Appreciation Of Israel's Situation

Check out this site…
You HAVE to go to this site and type in the name of your city.
You will see exact proportions to scale of just how close this is all happening and well... you will see!! Really eye-opening - tell your friends to check it out too!
We sit here smugly, admiring Israel's unbelievable defense system and their miraculous Iron Dome, but really have no sense at all of the psychological impact the Israelis are and have been suffering with rockets flying overhead every day and remember, it's not only the current flow of rockets but Hamas has been firing rockets at Israel for months and months prior to the current escalation.
The media shows video all day from Gaza of the aftermath of Israel's retaliation. But there is virtually no corresponding video shown that reveals the absolute hell the Israeli's are having to endure. I wonder if after seeing this you would say,  as the world keeps saying, that Israel's response to rockets Hamas has been firing for years at Israel should be restrained and measured. While thank god there've been relatively few Israeli deaths so far, the entire country is completely terrorized especially near the Gaza border. What country in the world would show a restrained response? Imagine the USA response if Texas was receiving this daily shower of hundreds of rockets from Mexico - bye bye Mexico.

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