Monday, July 21, 2014

Egyptian Comment On Hamas Being Destroyed By Israel. Good Read!

Too Little But Not Too Late

Submitted by HamdyJul 13, 2014 08:27
"TOO little but not too late"
I am an Egyptian (not Jewish and not Israeli).
I describe the Egyptian stand towards Hamas and Egyptian media reaction to what is happening at the moment as " Too little- but not too late" !!
1) I hope it is not too late that my Egyptian people just woke up now to the horrible reality of Hamas and other terrorist organisations in the middle east which for decades have been causing havoc to their fellow Palestinians let alone to the other Arab countries. Blackmail, threats and violence are their theme and they do not hide that.
2) It is true no other country has supported Palestinians like Egypt has. However, it is also true that no other country has been hurt from terrorist Palestinian organisations, like Hamas, as much as Egypt has been.
3) Keeping silent or exposing Hamas on our Egyptian media or even condemning Hamas for launching rocket attacks on women and children in Israel is NOT enough. It is actually too little and too embarrassing. The Egyptian government should lodge a complaint in UN or security council asking for UN forces to help our neighbor Israel protect their citizens.
4) Thanking the Israeli Prim Mister , Mr Netanyahu, for neutralising Hamas and expressing our hope, as Egyptians, that the Israeli army will finish off Hamas is too little. Our Egyptian army should extend a helping hand to our neighbor Israel and co-operate at all levels. As a matter of fact, doing anything to get rid of Hamas will help Palestinians in Gaza before anyone else (Hamas not only hides behind civilians but even punishes their own Palestinians citizens who leave their houses after receiving warning from IDF just before Israeli air strikes). Remember, talk is cheap.
5) My country Egypt has been a forerunner in middle eastern Arabic politics. It has always been said that former president Saddat was well ahead of his era when he co-operated with Israel and established strong relations with the our neighboring state 35 years ago. So, why the hesitation now ? Why the fear now?
If Pakistan ( a Muslim country ) co-operated with USA in the fight against terrorism and if Saudi Arabia ( the symbol of Islamic world ) has such strong military ties with USA and UK, why not Egyptian people, government and army do more than supportive talking to Israel and more than praising to the IDF for fighting terrorism along our borders and at our footsteps.
My call to President Sisi, DO MORE and stay courageous . Show our Arabic world from the gulf to the Atlantic ocean that Egypt under your reign is a unique country.
President Sisi, it is not too late yet ! If you DO more to help Israel finish off Hamas, then you are saving not only Egypt but also many of our friendly Arabic countries from the terrible consequences of terrorism not only from this already banned organisation but also from similar ones and hidden cells which are still in their infancy awaiting time to overthrow authorities in most Arabic states.
Please, act now before it is too late

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