Monday, July 14, 2014

Hillary Will NOT Be The Democratic Candidate For President In 2016

In our previous posting, "All Clintoned Out" by Victor Davis Hanson, he points out many of Hillary Clinton's faults, the reasons that Obama was able to win the 2008 nomination and the headwinds she faces for 2016. All of his points are spot on, however, we do not believe that she will run.  Why would she give up the spot she has worked for all her life?

The first reason is that she is getting too old. She will be about the same as Reagan was when he first won the Presidency, however, he did not have some of the health issues that she has.  Yes, Reagan might have had early Alzheimers but no one noticed.  We notice Hillary's problems. Her head injury was more serious than most realize. If she releases her medical records, it will doom her campaign, regardless of how they are doctored. Everyone remembers the very thick glasses she wore for months after reappearing from her "accident."  There will be many questions to which she will not respond well.

Secondly, her shrill answer to the Benghazi questions will be played over and over. "What difference does it make...."  will be the theme of anyone running for the nomination. For most thinking Americans, it does matter that four American citizens, including our Ambassador, died and that no one is being held responsible.  

We can imagine ads  saying "What difference does it make that the NSA is listening to your phones" or What difference does it make that the IRS can target Americans unfairly" or "What difference does it make that guns are sold to Mexican gun lords."  You get the picture. Hillary will be tied to everything that went on in the Obama Administration.

However, the last reason that we believe that Hillary will not be the candidate for the Democrats is that we see her as a "placeholder." Someone that will keep all others out of the race until the time for that person to come to the fore. No, it will not be Elizabeth Warren or any other of the women candidates who, by the way, have pledged themselves to Hillary, should she run.

Neither will it be Bloviating Joe Biden. He has too many negatives. He also has been the "missing man" in the Administration. We hardly see him. He has been banned to  Blair House until the end of Obama's term because he cannot keep his mouth shut and shoots from the hip.

The person we think will be the candidate for the Democrats in 2016 will be........
Barack Hussein Obama.  Ever heard of him? Yes, our current President will be the man of the hour to rescue us from the travails of the Bush Administration.  Heck, that rationale has worked for the past  five and a half years, why change?

Now, we hope that you are still reading as we are dead serious.  Yes, we have heard all the reasons that he could not run i.e the 22nd amendment. However, the Obama term has shown us that nothing is to be taken for granted when it comes to this man.

Any other President faced with the scandals that have been part of his Administration, the outright disregard for the Constitution, his continuing lies ("if you like your doctor...") and his falling approval ratings, would be doomed.  He refuses to go to the border because he doesn't want a "photo op", yet goes to Denver for a "photo op" at a bar. Huh? He says there will be no troops "on the ground" in Iraq and the next day sends 300 advisers.  He is not your normal politician.

So how does he become the first President since Roosevelt to serve a third term?  First, he deceives by creating a crisis.  Americans revolt. He then either suspends the elections, or has a law passed in Congress to allow him to stay due to the crisis. Or as he has done so many times, he takes up his pen and gives himself the right to continue. One of these actions we believe he will take.

Over the years there have been times where legislation has been proposed to eliminate the 22nd Amendment, none of them have survived committee hearings.  However, if, as we fear, the Republicans lose control of the House and Democrats continue to control the Senate, the bills, which already have been introduced, will come to the floor for debate. They will pass the Democratically controlled Congress.

Wouldn't the Supreme Court step in? Probably, but how long would that take? Also, can we count on Justice Roberts to do the right thing? I am not hopeful. Regardless, by the time the Supreme Court would rule, he will have been re-elected. And like we heard from the other side on the "birther" issue, what would you do, throw him out of office?

Yes, Hillary is a placeholder for Obama. That was the deal they struck for her to be Secretary of State, allowing her to make tons of money while keeping the field clear of any competitors for the Democratic candidate for President.

We pray that we are wrong, however, we fear that we have it right.  There are too many   things going wrong with this country in the last five and a half years. The list of scandals and the abuses of our rights as Americans are too long to be a coincidence. There is something afoot, something that has been planned for years  and is now coming to fruition. 

No, Hillary will not be our President nor a candidate, she is holding a place for Obama to complete his "destiny"  to completely transform America.

Conservative Tom

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