Thursday, July 10, 2014

If A Conservative Had Written This Headline, He Would Have Been Sent To Jail Or Worse!

An Old And Tired Canard

July 9, 2014 by  
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An Old And Tired Canard
One New York newspaper ran this headline with an opinion piece. Another wrote an opinion piece taking offense at the headline and ran this photo with the offensive word blurred.

A highbrow piece of leftist schlock published and distributed free to 20,000 residents in the West Village of Manhattan and seeking relevancy — or something — is creating a stir with an opinion piece in its latest edition, titled “The Nigger In the White House.”
The article in WestView News is a pro-Barack Obama screed attempting to be passed off as intellectual political commentary on the Virginia House of Representatives primary that saw Republican voters send Eric Cantor packing off to a seven-figure per year K-Street career over his support for big government spending and amnesty for illegals. In the article we learn that Cantor lost not because he was an aloof, progressive elitist politician who disdained conservative causes, but because Republicans hate Obama because he’s black. What the piece lacks in logic — and evidence to back its claims — it apparently seeks to make up in shock value.
The commentary writer is James Lincoln Collier, whose claim to fame is a 1975 award for a children’s book he wrote and another children’s book that is regularly banned from libraries over the gratuitous use of the word “nigger” by its characters.
The publisher of WestView News defended the use of “nigger” in the headline by pointing out that Collier had submitted other articles in which he wanted to use the word, but they had been rejected because the newspaper’s staff had objected. And it still does, publisher George Capsis claimed, writing: “In this article however [sic] Jim reminded me that the [sic] New York Times avoids using the word which convinced me that WestView should.” Some logic, that.
In the article, Collier makes the point that Presidents “have been subjected to stinging attacks before” by noting that “Franklin Roosevelt was royally hated by conservatives for his advocacy of social programs and support for unions.” But those “stinging attacks” were not racially motivated, I suppose, because no other President (save Bill Clinton) was black. I would here remind that it wasn’t Roosevelt himself who was “hated,” but his policies of the New Deal, profligate spending, wealth redistribution and special dispensations to the unions — all of which made the depression into the Great Depression, which lasted longer and went deeper than any other… until Obama began his reign.
But, according to Collier, “stinging attacks” against Obama for his policies are obviously racist. He writes, “It is possible to draw only one conclusion: these [sic] far right voters hate Obama because he’s black.” Of course, Collier offers no evidence that conservative disdain for Obama policies is any different than conservative disdain for Roosevelt policies — except that blacks are different. This is something that Collier apparently recognizes more than anyone as he points it out more than once.
That conservatives hate Obama’s blackness is an old and tired canard. What they “hate” are his Marxism, his fascism and his ongoing efforts to turn the U.S. into a Third World backwater.

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