Monday, July 14, 2014

Illegal Immigration Supporters See Nothing Wrong With Unrestrained Immigration. They Will Blame Republicans Anyway.

If Republicans make a stand against Illegal immigrants this fall and it causes the elections to go to the Democrats, that would be a disaster. However, we would rather see them go down in flames over this issue than many others.

The illegal immigration flood to which this country is experiencing has been "designed" to pull on the heart strings of stupid Americans who cannot think beyond "Idol" or their favorite football team. It IS a planned invasion and one that will have monumental negative effects on this country today and well into the future.

Articles like the following, written by leftist Democratic operatives, try to tell the Republicans that they have it all wrong and should change their ways. It could not be further from the truth. Republicans are the ONLY ones standing in the way of a flood. 

What we have now is a trickle compared to what is coming. Millions will head our way if those here and on the way are not turned back. Do we really want to feed, clothe and house half of the world?

If you think this is only about Central and South American immigrants, you would be 100% wrong. Last week we were talking to an Indian (from India) friend (who came here legitimately 25 years ago) who he told us about a conversation he had with fellow countrymen who came into this country illegally through Europe and Mexico.  When he inquired about any concerns they had about being here illegally, they said, "we all will become legal citizens sooner or later." How many other nations are reflected in those coming here without the proper paperwork?  We can only guess.

And let us not forget those who might want to do damage to the United States. If peaceful Indians can come here, what about terrorists? What about Jihadists? How many are already here?

It is time to stop the flow, end the illegals from coming here and return anyone who does not have proper paperwork, regardless of age.  Yes, there will be some that get caught in the deportation mess that will result and yes, there will be thousands of articles  published by the immoral, illegitimate press bemoaning the downtrodden whose dreams are being crushed. It has to be done.

If not, there will be a tidal wave of immigrants, millions a year,  that will arrive on our shores asking for handouts and demanding citizenship. After all they will say,  it is their right to become Americans, just by being here.  Is that the type of country you want?

A nation that cannot control its borders will cease to be a nation in short order. We need to do it now and if it means the Republicans lose, they will at least have won the moral battle.

Conservative Tom

Republican hostility to border kids alienates Hispanics again

Republicans can't help themselves — when they see an opportunity to irritate the Latino electorate, they go for it with gusto. With unseemly glee, Republicans have transformed the humanitarian crisis of children at our southern border into an "invasion" that must be repelled with soldiers.
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), speaking on Glenn Beck's program, said "We are under invasion, and this president will not protect our country, and he will not step in and enforce the law as it is."
Of course, it’s President Obama's fault. Because anything that goes wrong in this world is either Obama's overreaching or disengagement. There is no issue to which the Republicans will not attach one of these labels — a cognitive dissonance that seeks to depict Obama simultaneously as a power-mad dictator and, in Speaker John Boehner's (R-Ohio) unfortunate depiction, a president who sleeps through crisis.
Playing on this meme, Michael Reagan, son of the president that signed the amnesty bill in 1986, wrote recently: "Emperor Obama is the culprit in chief."
Yet the law is being enforced. According to the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, passed unanimously by both houses of Congress and signed into law by President George W. Bush, these kids have a right to due process. They cannot simply be shoved into a bus and dropped like cargo in Mexico. Or sent first class on a plane, as Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn (R) suggested as a solution.
Republicans' aggressive response against these kids is baffling as both a matter of policy and politics. The border kids crisis is not about immigration. The flows of unaccompanied minors over the last few months (estimates put the number of kids at over 50,000) has many causes: brutal violence, chaos, mortal fear and hope.
The violence and related mayhem in Central America has reached a critical juncture. The toxic cocktail of narco-mafias, violent gangs, acute poverty and corrupt governments has created dangerous instability and the subsequent need to flee from a life-threatening situation.
Ironically, much of this instability can be directly traced to America's multi-decade, failed and wildly expensive "War on Drugs" that has made these countries transit points for America's illegal drug imports.
The narco-mafias are multi-billion dollar "enterprises" with the economic capacity to cripple governments and field heavily armed guerrilla armies and an addiction to violence that terrorizes a vulnerable population that has been largely abandoned to fend for itself by the weak governments in the region.
Politically, the GOP is like a man standing on quicksand. After killing immigration reform in Boehner's House of Representatives, voting to deport the Dreamers and urging the faster deportation of the border kids, the party's chances of attracting a sizable percentage of Latino voters needed to win national elections recedes with every acrid declaration by Republican politicos seeking to court the far-right midterm election voters they need to win the Senate in November.
The GOP is rolling the dice with its future by seeking the older white vote while simultaneously repelling large swaths of the electorate – women, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, gay people, young people, Latinos, etc. — with its antediluvian policies.
While some analysts on the right have concluded that this is the optimum approach to win the midterm election — an assumption predicated on the expectation of low turnout of those same constituents that have largely voted for Democrats in past elections — that's an awfully big bet when the very future of the GOP is at stake.
What happens if the unthinkable becomes reality? What's the future of the GOP if come November 2014 furious Latinos turn out at the same rate as they did in the 2012 election? Or women outraged by the Supreme Court's decision that a corporation's religious rights trump a woman's right to control her own health?
Yes, the projecting of voter turnout is based on past voter participation. But as Mitt Romney's failed campaign for president in 2012 showed, predictions of turnout can be wrong — very wrong.
In particular, Republicans underestimate the blowback from Latinos. This year in the California congressional primaries, I endorsed a moderate Republican, part of the reform wing of the party. The reaction from the audience of my radio program, and especially through social media, was swift and brutal. Hundreds of Latino voters told me I was crazy – and that they would never vote for Republicans after they killed immigration reform in the House.
As Gov. Rick Perry (R-Texas) and other big name Republicans continue to call for a military response to this crisis by deploying the National Guard, the image of a GOP actively vilifying children and comparing them to foreign invaders is bound to further crystalize Latino anger and voting patterns.
Whatever else, should the National Guard be deployed because of these GOP demands, the effect on public opinion could sink the Republican Party.
Republicans will crash with a harsh reality of their own making: soldiers versus 10-year-olds is a "battle" with the optics of Birmingham, Ala. in 1963.
Espuelas, a Henry Crown Fellow at the Aspen Institute, is a political analyst on television, radio and in print. He is the host and managing editor of “The Fernando Espuelas Show,” a daily political talk show syndicated nationally by the Univision America Network. Contact him at and via Twitter @EspuelasVox.

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