Thursday, July 10, 2014

Maybe Chicago Should Have A Police Chief Like Detroit Has. Their Shooting Rate Might Decline!

The Wild West: Gun Control, Chicago-Style

July 10, 2014 by  
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The Wild West: Gun Control, Chicago-Style

In a country as profoundly diverse as these United States, it’s hardly surprising that one of — if not the — most heterogeneous society in human history celebrated Independence Day in a wide variety of ways. For example, I set some dead animal flesh on fire in my backyard and then settled in with a cold beer and watched a couple hours of History Channel before wandering outside to watch the fireworks over Savannah’s River Street. Meanwhile, some pro-illegal alien screamers set an American flag on fire. And in President Barack Obama’s hometown of Chicago, some of the local residents got together for a good old fashioned shootout.
Over the course of the weekend, the Windy City jumped back into the headlines with another round of manslaughter amid the merriment. Eighty-two people ended up on the business end of the proverbial bullet; 14 of them didn’t survive the encounter. Since the end of the weekend, 11 more Chicagoans have been shot, two of them fatally (so far).
It seems odd that such madness could occur — again — in Chicago, especially considering the fact that the city boasts precisely the sort of draconian anti-Bill of Rights laws that our left-leaning compatriots loudly assure us at every turn will end something to which they refer as “gun violence.” Nonetheless, the Fourth of July fireworks in Chicago came at rather a high cost.
As strange as that might seem, it seems even stranger that those same left-leaning compatriots completely missed the Chicago Massacre of 2014. Usually, when someone gets so much as mildly frightened by a firearm, the anti-Bill of Rights boobirds flock to the scene like the world’s weirdest vultures. In fact, inexplicably tax-exempt, billionaire-funded hate groups like the spectacularly monikered “Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America” made special efforts to assault restaurants like Chipotle and chain stores like Target for allowing firearms anywhere near their real estate, despite no episodes of so-called “gun violence.” Yet the chaos in supposedly gun-free Chicago elicited hardly a mention.
Anti-Bill of Rights bullies’ explanations for the Chicago shootings, what few there have been, tended to shrug off the violence as “gang-related.” Every time self-proclaimed “progressives” shrug off shootings in supposedly “gun-free” utopias like Chicago, I can’t help but notice “gangs” sounds an awful lot like “blacks” and “Hispanics.” But the Democratic Party isn’t racist. We know this, because Democrats tell us so. And who are we to suspect the motives of people who think they outrank the Bill of Rights?
Consider it: Someone walks into a Target with a 1911 on his belt, and the anti-Bill of Rights regressives shriek: “Boycott! Blacklist! Picket!” Hell, they’ve demanded horror movie-style deaths for people like Holly Fisher and Dana Loesch simply for — I’ll admit I’m using some guesswork here — not frantically fanning themselves at the mere sight of a firearm like an Upper East Side empress who just heard they’re out of caviar at the Obama fundraiser. Meanwhile, Democratic Party-owned cities like Chicago saddle the populace with precisely the laws liberals swear will save the world from so-called “gun violence.” The place is the bloody Wild West, yet the same anti-Bill of Rights regressives are nowhere to be found.

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