Sunday, July 13, 2014

Militias Are Required By The Constitution. States Should Re-instate Them Immediately!

From: Right To Bear Blog:

CONSTITUTION: States without Militias Are Breaking the Law


David Whitney, the Pastor of Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church of Pasadena, Maryland, recently wrote an article pointing out the United States was founded around the idea of citizens’ militias.
Each state is required to produce a well-rounded and well-equipped militia. If they don’t, they are breaking the law.
As he explained to a reporter from The Sun Paper:
As our Founders structured it, [the militia] is not some optional, superfluous element of civil government. Rather it is at the heart and core of the Republic of these United States.militia
Indeed, for any State in this Union to fail to maintain and keep a true militia would indicate that State was, and is, in violation of the Supreme Law of the Land, the U.S. Constitution.
In Maryland, it even goes further (as most every State does). The Supreme Law of Maryland requires that there be a citizen’s militia organized and administrated by the State, and specifically in each county under the direct control of the County Sheriff. For any State, including Maryland, to fail to have a true Constitutional Militia is to fail to obey the Supreme Law of the Land, and, therefore, become a law-breaking State.
The State officials of Maryland, who took an oath to support and defend the U.S. and Maryland Constitutions, have made themselves lawbreakers by refusing to do their duty; refusing to fulfill that oath that they swore, and that means they are in very deep waters on judgment day. They didn’t take their oath to men, but to Almighty God, who will not let them off the hook. He will hold them fully accountable to their oath.
As Whitney asserts, the federal government should be holding these oath breakers accountable to their promises to the people, but they won’t.
This is mainly because they want to grow their own standing military (which the constitution essentially prohibits and George Washington warned us about) to prevent any kind of organized rebellion.
As Whitney laments, the only way for the United States to be reconciled to its roots as a constitutional republic is at the level of county government.
Unfortunately, we’ve seen how the federal government continues to pressure smaller local governments, so it remains to be seen how effective counties will be at resisting the federal government.
Until the Constitution is amended or nullified, it remains the supreme law of the land, and as such, states without militias are indeed breaking the law.

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