Tuesday, July 8, 2014

More Problems Coming Down The Road With ObamaCrapCare.

Karl Rove: Problems With Obamacare Coverage 'Tip of the Iceberg'

Tuesday, 08 Jul 2014 12:37 PM
By Wanda Carruthers
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People who enrolled in Obamacare who are still without coverage represent the "tip of the iceberg" of Obamacare's problems, said Republican political strategist Karl Rove.

The latest of Obamacare's issues involves technical problems for those who signed up by the March enrollment deadline but still lack coverage, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Rove said that thousands who signed up on state exchanges face a "gap between the time that they think they've signed up and the time that actually the insurance company gets all the information from the state government."

"It is the tip of the iceberg," Rove, who was deputy chief of staff to President George W. Bush, told Fox News' "America's Newsroom" on Tuesday. "Let's go through a litany of some of the problems."

Rove said another issue involved "how people's subsidies are calculated," due to the federal government's "problems with calculating the subsidies properly, because it's not all computerized." He said that would result in enrollees finding out "they either get more subsidy or less subsidy than they thought."

The cost of premiums was also "dramatically higher, particularly for younger workers," Rove said. And there was an issue with access to doctors and networks through Obamacare.

People "think they can go to a particular doctor or particular hospital, and then they find out that the networks are much smaller and less robust than they were before they had coverage," he said.

Obamacare's problems will prove to be difficult for Democrats, Rove predicted, especially those who repeated President Barack Obama's talking points in promoting the law.

"If you're a Democrat, you're going to get stuck with being responsible for all these things, particularly if you went out there and echoed the promises the president said," he said.

Rove said the number of enrollees in Obamacare, reported by the White House to be 8 million, was "not true, not true, not true." He said knowing exact figures was impossible because "the federal government is now saying it will give no more estimates on how many people actually signed up."

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