Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Obama White House Is A Fraud. It Demands Pay Equity But Does Not Meet The Standard Itself.

Obama White House Can’t Even Make Its Own Policy Initiatives Work In House

July 2, 2014 by  
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Trying to explain why the Obama Administration talks endlessly about gender pay gaps when it pays its female employees only 88 cents per dollar that males make, White House spokesman Josh Earnest informed a reporter that it’s tough to build a liberal utopia.
“If this has been a signature issue for the president for six years,” the reporter asked, “and he can’t even bring his own staff into closer alignment, is 100 percent pay equity simply impossible?”
It’s a “difficult policy challenge,” Earnest explained, with a “variety of reasons” and “influences” contributing to the problem. The spokesman went on to mention the Lilly Ledbetter Act which the President signed and Obama’s plan to push Congress to pass a paycheck fairness act.
‘But the staff that he hires and pays,” the reporter prodded, “for six years he couldn’t do it.”
By the end of the exchange, Earnest conceded, “I wouldn’t hold up the White House as the perfect example here. But we are an example of an organization that is making an effort and enjoying some success in making sure that there are women who get equal pay for equal work.”

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