Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Once They Start Confiscating Guns, It Will Not End. It Has Begun In New York State.

From: Right To Bear Blog:

Gun Control / Other News / WTF

SURPRISE: New York State Has Begun Gun Confiscation (video)

With no warrant, and with nothing more than a 15-year-old misdemeanor to go off of, police in Nassau County, New York seized a man’s entire collection of firearms.
“NY State Police Just Came to My Home and Took Everything,” the man reported on an online NY gun forum.
The man said the state police arrived at his home to inspect the serial number of one of his registered guns. When he let them enter the home, he brought them to his gun safe where the officers then took his entire collection of weapons.
As Infowars reports:
I brought him to my safe, opened it and the 2nd officer went in and took out my cx4, Remington 70 sps and Remington 870 shotgun. Then he says that I had a misdemeanor possession charge 15 years ago and all the guns will be taken,” the man wrote, adding that he was put through the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System when he purchased the guns with no issues.
New York state is just the first to lead the charge on cracking down on registered gun owners.
Part of the NY Safe Act, which was passed back in April, required that gun owners in the state would register their “assault-style weapons.”
Though only 10 percent of gun owners complied, stories like this illustrate how damaging gun registration can be.
When guns are registered it allows authorities to seize weapons, leaving the gun owner very little recourse to get their legally owned weapons back.
According to the man, the state troopers gave him a “New York State police receipt and a certificate of relief paper. They told him if he could get a judge to sign the relief paper he would get his guns back.”
He has since hired a lawyer, but has yet to get his guns back from the police.

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