Friday, July 18, 2014

Who Benefits From Missile Attack On Malaysian Plane? Russia? Rebels, Ukrainians? Americans? False Flag?

July 17, 2014 - 5:01 pm
A Pentagon official tells the Daily Caller that the Russians had to have been involved in shooting down MH17 over Ukraine. The Buk missile system is too complex for the rebels to have seized one recently and used it to shoot down aircraft. It takes weeks to get trained to use the Buk effectively.
MH17 was flying at about 33,000 feet when it was shot down. The missile that took it down could have come from Ukraine, as is widely suspected, or from Russia itself. If it’s the latter…
The rebels were the ones who bragged about shooting down a plane, before deleting that post. Supposing that they shot it down, the Russians are still probably involved at least in training them.
The black boxes from the aircraft were found earlier today. The pro-Russian rebels reportedly found them, and promptly sent them to Russia for “investigation.” Along the lines of how the IRS investigates Lois Lerner’s hard drive, one supposes.
For those out there who may be thinking that Hillary Clinton would have handled today better than Obama, think again. Her quick response is essentially no response — have the Europeans lead.
Europe is far too dependent on Russian energy. Europe doesn’t lead. How many wars have to result from European fecklessness before Hillary Clinton learns that?

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