Thursday, July 31, 2014

Will The US Become Part Of A World Wide Caliphate?

We just posted an article that speaks about the sudden creation of a Caliphate in Syria and Iraq in a matter of weeks which was followed by a video of the 2012 New York City Muslim Day. That piece got us thinking about where the US and other western countries are going.  

In recent weeks we have posted articles on Germany, France, the Netherlands and other western countries facing riots, destruction and other mayhem at the hands of Muslims in those countries. These nations are now experiencing events which are foreign to us here in the US. However, we believe that our time is coming.

How long will it be before there are major riots in New York, Dearborn,  (Michigan), Los Angeles and Chicago where Muslims demand that their rights are being abridged or that they deserve special rights? We think not long.

When (not if) they do occur, how will the police, the City Administrations react? We suspect that they will give into their demands. Why?

Most Americans are used to being able to go to their own religious congregation and not to have anyone question them. It is "you worship the way you want, I will worship the way I want."  Unless there is something that is not legal (child molestation or child endangerment come to mind) , anything goes. Churches, Mosques, Synagogues, Temples are all tax exempt and police rarely interfere with their activities.  

So how does this change if Muslims demand special rights for Islam?  We fear modern American leaders (city,county, state and Federal), who are usually weak-kneed cowards will acquiesce to the protests. Their answer will be something like "How could we do anything else, it is a religion and we have freedom of religion in this country."  The point they miss is that if a Muslim has special rights in regard to his religion, my rights as another American are decreased. Equal rights are fair, special ones are not.

In France, Muslims take over whole intersections while they do their daily prayers. Would we allow that here? Probably.  In many places around the world, the Muslim daily prayer call is heard throughout the city. Is that fair to those who do not practice Islam? Sharia Law allows men to punish their wives, to commit "honor killings" of a family member (usually female) who dishonors the family, and to do genital mutilation of women. Would we allow that there?

Of course, the answer is yes, yes and yes. We, like Europe, will give in to their protests for fear of upsetting them. Little by little we will see Muslim rights increase and those of the rest of the country decrease. Hopefully, we are wrong but we doubt it.

We have seen Rabbis bend over backwards to have a relationship with an Imam only to see their work go up in smoke when the Mosque hears about the "friendship".  Muslims do not want an understanding of Judaism or any other religion, they want to conquer it. It is ingrained in their thinking, in the Quran, and in the daily sermons. Anyone who tries to bridge the gap is met with hostility.  How can one have a one sided relationship? It is impossible.

It has been our considered opinion that most Muslims are decent people who want to raise a family and live a comfortable life. However, in recent discussions with several Chaldeans (Catholics from Iraq), we have come to understand that our ideas are wrong. Instead of 90% good,10% bad, our friends have told us the real numbers are 10% good and 90% bad. 

Their experience with Muslims can be a learning experience for us all. According to my sources, Muslims cannot be trusted.  They will say anything they want to a non-believer (dimmi). A lie is not a lie when told to someone who does not practice Islam. 

The belief system of the Muslim does not involve any other religion. He believe he is superior to all others. That Allah is the supreme being and all others are inferior.

They believe that their mission is to conquer the world for Allah. If it means they lose their family, money or life, that would be fine as they would receive their reward in heaven.

We see in Iraq where Christians are given the choice of conversion,  impoverishing taxation, leaving or dying. Some choice! We saw it in Kosovo, where lifelong friends who were Muslim and Christian were killing each other as soon as Tito died. (By the way, it was the Christians, the Serbs, who were blamed by our government.)

The US will could be no different. Should Americans not stand shoulder to shoulder against Islam we could see the following scenario develop:

 Within the next ten years, Muslim numbers will grow to the necessary tipping point (6-10% of the population), allowing their leaders to start demanding special privileges.  Then over the next 15 years, their demands will become more outrageous followed by a period where the US becomes the "Muslim Nation" President Obama declared it was several years ago.  They may never reach the point where 50% of the population practices Islam, however, they will tax non believers and Shariah law will trump our civil law.

Yes, we know that this is a very negative view of the future, however, as one of our friends says "Tom, you see the worst in every situation" and that probably is true. However, if one does not look at the worst situation, how can we prepare for it.  Had our planners thought about the use of planes as weapons of mass destruction, maybe 9/11 could have been avoided. Had the military considered that an attack on Pearl Harbor was possible, could we have avoided that tragedy? Thinking the worst is a preparation for preventing it. 

We see many bad things occurring around the world and most, if not all,  Muslims are the perpetrators.  Whether it is Boko Haram kidnapping school girls, ISIS in Iraq or Hamas in Gaza, Islam is the common denominator. 

Muslims cannot be trusted and they are coming here to conquer us to establish their world wide Caliphate.  We and our leaders need to understand that. Unfortunately, the current Administration doesn't and are only encouraging (either blissfully ignorantly or purposely) their inroads around the world. 

We best be prepared for them as they are coming and they are coming here.  Are you ready to fight or to become a dimmi?

Conservative Tom

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