Monday, August 4, 2014

Border Patrol Personnel Are Disgusted. One Comment Says A Lot.

Futility On The Border: Checkpoint Exchange Between Trucker, Patrol Agent Neatly Sums Up Obama’s Backward Immigration Policy

August 4, 2014 by  
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Big rig hauler Travis Pope posted a video, shot in late July, of a brief exchange between himself and a U.S. Border Patrol agent as the trucker passed through a Border Patrol checkpoint in Texas. Then he put it on YouTube.
Their conversation is brief, but it nicely encapsulates much of what’s wrong with the Obama Administration’s attitude toward border enforcement and toward the handing of illegal aliens.
The Border Patrol’s hands are tied, and no one knows it better than the agents. For an agent to voice even a casual opinion, such as this one does, raises the question of whether he’ll be disciplined or fired in the Federal government’s reprisal culture. Many Americans who pass through these checkpoints now view them more as a bureaucratic joke than as a nuisance or as an infringement on liberty. The checkpoint exercise has become a perfunctory dance between people in an ant-like chain and the demoralized, just-doing-their-jobs (most of them) agents – bottlenecks which most illegals ignore by eschewing roads, borders and checkpoints.
Lately, it’s not even been necessary to eschew the agents.

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