Tuesday, August 5, 2014

First Duty Of Government Is To Protect Its Citizens From Enemies Foreign and Domestic Which Includes Ebola.

Dinesh D'Souza on Ebola: 'A Country Must Protect' Its Own People

Monday, 04 Aug 2014 07:41 PM
By Bill Hoffmann
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The U.S. should consider banning flights from West Africa in a bid to safeguard the continent from the Ebola virus, says conservative author and award-winning filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza.

"If you make a simple balance sheet, what is the risk of excluding some West African flights from coming in?'' D'Souza said Monday on "The Steve Malzberg Show'' onNewsmax TV.

"That's minimal, versus what is the risk of having a very serious health problem in the United States? That's something that weighs heavily on behalf of looking out for the health of our own citizens.''

Three West Africa countries are desperately struggling to contain an outbreak of the deadly virus — and one American doctor and his aide, infected in Liberia, have been flown back to the U.S. for treatment.

D'Souza, whose new documentary is called "America,'' said the seemingly lax attitude towards keeping Ebola out of the U.S. could be indicative of a wrongheaded ideology that is sweeping the nation.

"There's sort of this ideology … that somehow it's bad for a country to look out directly for its own survival and its own self-interest,'' he said.

"A country should and must protect the self-interest and in fact, the survival of its own citizens. Now, there are a lot of problems in the rest of the world — poverty, disease, epidemics.

"We should be compassionate toward those people, but that does not mean that we should not draw a tight cord around ourselves and it is the first duty of any government to protect its own citizens.''

D'Souza lashed out at a growing anti-Israel sentiment around the world as the Jewish state attempts to protect itself against the terrorist group Hamas.

The European anti-Israel lobby, as well as other countries, are trying to make Israel into the new, pre-apartheid South Africa,'' he said.

"You see that phrase 'apartheid' coming up again and again and why? Because apartheid is an effort to morally de-legitimize Israel. Ultimately, apartheid South Africa simply collapsed because states need more legitimacy in order to hold themselves together.

"Even the Soviet Union collapsed when its legitimacy essentially went down to zero. So in some sense, what's going on here is a very sly and effective campaign to isolate Israel to make it into a pariah state and to act as though the very idea of having a Jewish state means that it is a separatist, it is a racist, it is an apartheid state with no moral right to exist.''

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