Friday, August 15, 2014

Is What We Are Being Told About Ukraine And Putin All Propaganda Made Up By Washington? Is The US Causing More Problems Than Solutions?

Washington Chokes The Truth With Lies

August 15, 2014 by  
 18 8
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Washington Chokes The Truth With Lies
A Russian aid convoy bound for eastern Ukraine stopped just short of the border Thursday.

Are Western propagandists fooling anyone but themselves?
The latest absurdity coming out of Ukraine, the EU and Washington is that the humanitarian aid that Russia and the Red Cross are trucking into the former Russian territories that comprise eastern Ukraine is a trick, a deception, a pretext for Russia’s invasion forces. Such a preposterous lie tells us that Western propagandists have no respect whatsoever for the intelligence of Western peoples.
Even a moron should understand that if Russia wants to send military forces into Ukraine, Russia doesn’t need any pretext, much less a joint humanitarian venture with the Red Cross. Eastern Ukraine, following Crimea’s lead, has already voted both for independence from Kiev and in favor of rejoining Russia. If Russia needed an excuse, the decisions by eastern Ukrainians made months ago suffice. But Russia needs no excuse to rescue Russians from being slaughtered by Washington’s stooges like Palestinians in Gaza.
By its inaction, the Russian government is providing Washington’s vassal states in Europe time to comprehend that Washington, not Russia, is the problem and that Washington intends for the cost of its conflict with Russia to fall on Europeans.
The opposition from Washington, Washington’s EU vassals and Washington’s stooges in Kiev to the inflow of humanitarian aid is due to the West’s desperate attempt to keep the world from knowing about the massive destruction by Washington and its stooges of civilian lives, housing and infrastructure in those former Russian territories that are directly threatened by the Russophobic extremists whom Washington has installed in power in Kiev.
The Western presstitute media has added yet another failure to its long, inglorious history by failing to report the atrocities inflicted on a people who see no future for themselves in a country ruled by murderous Russophobic criminals installed in power by Washington.
The demented NATO generals, Pentagon chief and U.S. senators are spreading hysteria about a looming Russian invasion not only of Ukraine but also of the Baltic states, Poland — indeed, all of Europe. This hysteria is engulfing the West despite the total lack of evidence of any sign whatsoever of Russian preparations or motives for such invasions. The lie is being spread by Washington that Putin intends to reconstitute the Soviet Empire. This is the same Putin who had the former Russian province of Georgia in his hands and let it go.
Washington’s propaganda is working. Polls reveal that a majority of Americans — who should be awake by now after being lied to about Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Syria and Iran — have again, in their infinite gullibility, fallen victim to the propaganda and regard Russia as a threat.
Among the misinformed and propagandized American population, the question of the day is: “How are we going to stop the Russians?” Thus has the corrupt and deceitful Obama regime again prepared Americans for war.
The hope for peace is that the Russian counter-sanctions, a response to the sanctions against Russia that Washington forced its European vassals to implement, will end up falling on the deluded American taxpayers. The Polish government has demanded that Washington purchase the apples and agricultural products that Washington has made impossible for Poland to sell to Russia. As Poland is Washington’s choice for the U.S. missile base directed at Russia, the Polish government has leverage. Once Washington gives in to Poland, Washington will be faced with similar demands from hard-hit Greece and Austria and from the rest of Europe to compensate Europeans for the costs that Washington’s sanctions have imposed on its vassal populations.
The fraud perpetuated on the world by the United States in the 21st century is extraordinary. Nothing comparable has ever been witnessed in history. Not only are there the frauds of the numerous wars (Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, almost Iran and Washington’s illegal military actions within the borders of Pakistan and Yemen), but also the vast financial frauds perpetuated on the world. Among the costs of Wall Street’s frauds are the European debt crisis, the infringements of national sovereignty of European countries by the International Monetary Fund bailouts of sovereign debt and the impoverishment of “rescued” Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Ireland, along with Eastern Europe.
One day, the Europeans will wake up. When they do, they will realize that Washington does nothing for them except to protect them from a nonexistent “Russian threat,” while imposing dramatic costs upon them by employing Europeans as levies in Washington’s war for hegemony over the world. Sooner or later, Europeans must realize that this role assigned to them by Washington is not in their interest and leads directly to World War III in which Europeans will be the first casualties.

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