Friday, August 1, 2014

Michael Savage's Latest Motto

Today, national talk show host Michael Savage, aired his new motto which is "Support the Jews or be ruled by the Muslims."  We think he is 100% correct.  

Israel is on the front line of defeating a small part of Islam in its march across the world. If Israel can stop and destroy Hamas now, it will be a start. Maybe a small victory but a victory all the same.

However, if Israel fails or only slows down Hamas, it will be like a virus which has been only weakened by antibiotics.  It will come raging back stronger than ever and immune to the medicine that slowed it down before.

All freedom loving people around the world must support Israel regardless of your political orientation. For if Islam is successful in the Middle East, it will move to the next easy target of Europe. After that slam dunk, it will turn its attention to the "Great Satan", the United States. It will bring all of its manpower and financial wherewithal against  America.  Will it be able to withstand the onslaught?

If we continue to elect leaders like Obama, the answer would be no. If, however, we change our orientation and decide that once again America has to be the leader of the Free World, we might be able to survive. It is our choice of elected officials who will in the end make the determination.

In that light we must bring pressure on our current officials to stay with Israel, to stop the flow of illegal immigrants, to support our second amendment and to bring back the rule of law.  If we do that, we have a chance. If not be ready to accept the choices that ISIS gave the Christians in Mosul which were to convert to Islam, to move, to pay a tax or to die. Most freedom loving Americans would not like those choices. We don't either.

It's time to buck up America, are you ready?

Conservative Tom

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