Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Some Slaves Were Freed 160 Years Ago, Most Still Live On The Plantation.

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By Brenda Battle Jordan
Aug 17, 2014
Liberals are afraid of black conservatives. Black conservatives mean the end to their rhetoric and threaten to shatter the chains of dependency. Harriet Tubman said, “I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more; if only they knew they were slaves.” If only Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman were here now to stand with Allen West, Ben Carson, Thomas Sowell, Mia Love, Brenda Jordan and many more…
As a black conservative often times you are thought of as an Uncle Tom or perhaps a traitor to your own race… Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman are heroes…Their strength and conviction to free blacks from slavery are a testament to what happens when individuals think more of their community than themselves and are willing to risk everything for a cause greater than themselves.
In comparison, modern black “leaders” like Jesse Jackson Jr. and Al Sharpton are tiny and self-serving. They don’t serve black Americans or champion freedom and liberty for all. They champion liberal politics and ideology, and that’s odd; liberals want to see blacks tucked neatly into the roles of their design.
There has been much written about the racial rhetoric that has permeated political discourse since President Obama took office, and the media often highlights the racially inflammatory language used by some of his opponents. But racially charged language targeting black Republicans rarely receives much coverage, further fueling conservative suspicion of the mainstream media.
Yet, neither Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, nor the liberal elites who prop them up represent the true values of the black community. Most black folks oppose abortion, support traditional marriage and favor school choice. Black leaders ignore these facts and dance to the tune of their liberal benefactors.
My convictions come from my proud black father who took me out of foster care, raised me as a single Dad and never took a dime of government assistance. They come from my church upbringing which taught me to trust God, not government. Black conservatives want to break the cycle of poverty in the black community, not use it to perpetuate the grievance industry.
Who are the real sell-outs? Who are the real racists?” After seventy percent of black voters supported California’s Proposition 8, defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman, they were called homophobes, bigots and ingrates. The black community’s support of Proposition 8 was characterized as a “betrayal” of those who claimed a right to their loyalty — the liberal establishment.
One hundred and fifty years after slavery, a new generation now claims ownership of the thoughts and behavior of Americans of African descent. These ersatz masters believe they deserve absolute fealty. Slave owners usually think themselves beneficent, but those who thirst for freedom have a different perspective. We have largely rid ourselves of the old racism. It is time to rid ourselves of the new form.
The burden is on the liberal elites in the Democrat Party and the media to end the paternalism and condescension with which they treat the black community, and renounce the hateful attempts to destroy black conservatives. They need to stop pointing the finger of racism at others and take a hard look at themselves. They are not the racial conscience of the country, but the cause of racial regression.
MT. MORRIS TWP, MI — Brenda Battle-Jordan, a member of the Genesee County Republican Executive Committee, has announced her campaign for a seat on the county Board of Commissioners.
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