Saturday, August 16, 2014

Will The Middle Class Take Out Their Anger At The Democrats In November? Or Will There Be A Surprise In October?

The Rage And Revenge Of The Middle Class

August 14, 2014 by  
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Hi. I’m Wayne Allyn Root of Personal Liberty. Barack Obama and the Democrats are facing a disaster at the voting booth in November. His ratings have hit all-time lows. Seventy percent of the public believes America is headed in the wrong direction.
Polls rate Obama the worst president since World War II — lower than even Richard Nixon or Jimmy Carter.
And Obamacare also rates at all-time lows. Remarkably it just experienced one of the biggest month-to-month opinion drops in the history of polling.
Yet Obama and his Kool-Aid-drinking Democratic supporters are so ideological, delusional and out of touch with middle-class America, they don’t understand why this is happening.
My new book, “The Murder of the Middle Class,” is about how America and our greatest middle-class asset (the middle class) are being destroyed from within.
It is important to know this murder is not just due to misguided, inept or amateurish policies. It is a deliberate, purposeful and planned destruction. Every day, the middle class sees their jobs being destroyed and replaced by low-wage, part-time jobs and/or government checks. Every day, their bills for gasoline, electricity, groceries and health insurance go up. Every day, their job prospects, income and assets go down.
Little by little, the proud middle class is being forced to grovel for government checks or subsidies just to survive. It is not happening by accident, mistake or coincidence. This is a purposeful plan, and it is succeeding. How do I know? I was Obama’s college classmate at Columbia University, where we studied this exact plan that he has been implementing for the past six years.
It took a while, but middle-class Americans are finally realizing that with friends like Obama, who needs enemies? They’re finally learning to watch what Obama does, not what he says. The middle class is finally understanding that when Obama says he wants to “save” the middle class, the proper reaction is to reach for our wallets.
What made the light bulb go off? What turned the middle class against Obama? In a word: Obamacare. The reason is simple. Obamacare is no longer a theory in a campaign speech. America’s middle class is now living and experiencing Obamacare.
Here’s a story that sums up what is happening in the real world — outside Washington, D.C. I landed at the airport last week and hailed a cab. With no prodding, and as cab drivers are prone to do, the taxi driver wanted to vent. About what? Obamacare. He believes Obamacare has ruined his life. His words, not mine.
This taxi driver had just heard from his insurance agent. He and his wife are in their late 40s. They just found out their premium will double starting Jan. 1. But that’s only the start of their pain. Their co-pay is tripling from $10 per doctor visit to $30. Their surgery coverage is going from 90 percent to only 80 percent. And their deductible is doubling from $500 to $1,000. Add it up and this middle-class couple faces a tripling of healthcare expenses.
The reason, of course, is because Obamacare demands this middle-aged couple pay to cover pregnancy, prenatal care, sex change surgery and abortions — none of which they’ll ever need in his remaining lifetime. And, of course, the middle class has to pay double or triple to cover the costs of 30 million poor people receiving Obamacare free.
While I don’t know if this cabbie understood the reasons why his healthcare costs were tripling, he certainly understands the effect these dramatic Obamacare cost increases will have on his middle-class lifestyle. It will destroy it.
He also clearly understands his options. He said his options are to:
  • Go without health insurance (now against the law) and pray no one in his family gets sick.
  • Or declare bankruptcy, give up his home in foreclosure, and move into a small apartment.
  • Or quit his job and live on the government dole.
These are the choices left for middle-class Americans because of Obamacare.
My personal story is similar. Before Obamacare, my family’s health insurance was $500 per month. Today, it’s $1,700 per month (but about to get much worse). Aetna just canceled my policy (effective Jan. 1). I’ve never been sick. They blamed it on the mandates and costs of Obamacare.
Will the new policy be $2,500 per month? $3,000? How high can it go? Few small-business owners can afford $30,000 or more per year for health insurance. This is a disaster. This is financial ruin. As small business owners like me close our businesses or lay off employees to pay for Obamacare, that’s the death of full-time jobs in America.
This is the murder of the middle class. This same story is playing out across America. The middle class is being financially murdered, and they know it. It’s hitting their pocketbooks hard. While many of us conservative pundits predicted it, the cat is now out of the bag. Obamacare is no longer a theory on paper or political lies at a campaign rally. Obamacare is the law. People are experiencing it, and it is destroying middle-class lives from coast to coast.
So finally, the slumbering giant has awakened. The middle class understands the truth: Obamacare isn’t helping us. Obamacare is our enemy. We now know Obama committed fraud when he said, “If you like your insurance, you can keep it.” We know he lied when he said our prices would go down. We know he lied when he said our quality of care would not go down. We know he lied when he said we could keep our current doctors. We know he lied when he said Obamacare would help the economy. We know he lied when he said it wouldn’t kill jobs. We now know that Obamacare is the death of our middle-class quality of life.
But that was the plan all along. It was never about improving healthcare. It was always about income redistribution to shift the cost to the middle class. It was always about making the middle class poor and dependent on government.
Yes, Obama has been successful in his purposeful plan to murder the middle class. But wait until he sees what we’re going to do to him and his Democratic allies in November. The middle class is enraged like never before. And we will have our revenge.
I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. See you next week. God bless America.

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