Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Would Obama Give Republicans The Massive Benefit Of An Amnesty Political Executive Order? We Suspect It Will Occur After The Elections. No Benefit To Him Now.

Buchanan: Obama Amnesty Could Be 'Firestorm' for Midterms

Monday, 04 Aug 2014 03:11 PM
By Courtney Coren
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If President Barack Obama grants amnesty to 5 million illegal immigrants before Labor Day, it could become "the issue" of the November midterm elections, says political commentator Pat Buchanan.

"There could be a firestorm unlike any we've seen on this issue," Buchanan told John Bachman on "America's Forum" on Newsmax TV Monday. "It would elevate it dramatically and make it 'the issue' for the fall campaign."

"That would clearly rally and energize Obama's base, but it would do the same for the Republicans," the former presidential adviser explained.

However, he contends that even Obama supporters would condemn the move.

"There would be a real firestorm, there would be a division of opinion and some editorial writers who are friendly to Obama would say he's going too far here," he added.

Buchanan wrote an opinion piece for Townhall.com in which he predicts that Obama will grant amnesty to 5 million illegal immigrants through an executive order before Labor Day.

The former presidential candidate says that his prediction is based on comments made by Democratic Rep. Luis Gutierrez of Illinois, who has said that Obama will "act broadly and generously" for "millions and millions" of illegal immigrants.

"He might draw back from doing it, but let me say this: If the Republicans gain in the Senate and the president realizes he is going to get nothing from the next Congress, zero, I think there's a possibility he could do it after the election," he added.

Buchanan predicts that it could be a tactical move to get Democrats to the polls in November, especially the Hispanic community.

"There's no doubt that La Raza and the left wing of the Democratic Party and many folks in the Hispanic community would say that 'Obama has done something dramatic for us, he really has, we ought to get out and vote,' " he explained. "That's a real possibility."

However, he also says that it's "a very risky strategy, but it's also bold and it would be historic, whether we like it or not."

Buchanan argues that Obama will have to decide if it's something he wants bad enough as part of his legacy because it could also put him at risk for losing "the elections badly in November."

"It's a huge big play, no question about it, but I cannot believe that in the White House they are not thinking of it," he said.

"I know if I were in the White House and if I were a liberal Democrat, I would certainly be analyzing the potential fallout from such a decision."

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