Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Are Episcopalian Church Leaders So Out Of Touch That They See Nothing Wrong With Inviting CAIR And ISNA To Pray At The National Cathedral? Dhimmitude Is Coming!

Islamists Invited to Pray at National Cathedral

Tuesday, 11 Nov 2014 09:01 PM
By Joel Himelfarb
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Episcopalian Church leaders in the United States have invited Islamists to pray Friday at the National Cathedral, The Daily Caller reports. 

Those expected at the prayer service include representatives of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). In a 2009 court decision, both groups were confirmed as participants in a conspiracy to provide funds to Hamas, a designated terrorist organization, in Gaza.

Hamas has been revealed to be an affiliate of the Muslim Brotherhood, an international Islamist group with its headquarters in Egypt. In an interview with The Washington Post, the head of the National Cathedral, Rev. Canon Gina Campbell, called the planned worship of Allah in the church "a beautiful thing."

National Cathedral spokesman Craig Stapert told The Daily Caller that Muslim leaders "are hopeful that people will notice that it is possible to get along with other religions, and it’s not necessary to persecute or kill them." He called the decision to permit Muslims to pray at the cathedral an example of "opening a door to conversation."

Stapert said he did not know about the 2009 court decision, stating: "I'm not an expert on CAIR."

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