Thursday, November 20, 2014

Britain Now Trying To Ban Knives In The Mistaken Thought That They Kill People So If They Are Banned....

Thursday,November 20, 2014
The UK Government Plans To Stop This Unfortunate Fact Of Life
[The following post is by TDV Editor-In-Chief, Jeff Berwick]
"It's an unfortunate fact of life," said Les Gray of the Scottish Police Federation on knife crime. His focus was to deter it, but others in government had bigger ideas. The UK government plans on getting rid of knife crime altogether. 
While in the US, Second Amendment advocates lament the gun control efforts of their government, Britain is even more advanced in making the world a safer place by quickly implementing so called “knife control.” First, its voluntary.
A new “Save a Life – Surrender Your Knife” program is in full effect in Britain and police are working to ban “pointy” knives.  Lancashire Police reportedly have an “amnesty” program in place which started at the end of August in which “more than 800 knives have been handed in across the country - including swords, machetes, and commando knives.”
The department says that “officers have now given their backing to a national initiative designed to raise awareness of knife crime and encourage the surrender of dangerous weapons.”
Slaves Marching For Less Freedom
In the US gun buyback programs are a favorite of local governments to coax its citizens into giving over their guns.  And, in some states, the police stake out funerals and then go to the deceased person's home afterwards to search for and, if found, confiscate their guns!
Back in the UK, "The Home Office is looking for ways to reduce knife crime. We suggest that banning the sale of long pointed knives is a sensible and practical measure that would have this effect."
Does anyone but me not find this to be complete nanny statist insanity??!!
We've taken away, by force, people's guns... now they are killing each other with kitchen knives!  The solution: we must use our guns to take away their kitchen knives!
Clearly, if we can remove all knives from the world then no one will ever try to kill each other again.  The knives are obviously the problem!
After all, when Lester gets home to Manchester after a weekend of drinking himself silly to watch his incredibly boring sport (soccer) and his team has lost and he is frustrated, drunk and angry and walks in on his wife in bed with Stuart from the coal mine... if there were no knives in the house the situation would just work itself out non-violently.
Well, if you are a government official or one of the pandering slaves who think that life would not work without being owned by someone and having them tell you what to do, then you would think that, yes, that should be the end of it!
That is, until Lester finds a hammer!
No problem, says the government.  Then we'll just ban hammers.
Then people begin killing others with screwdrivers.
No problem, ban screwdrivers.
You can see pretty quickly where all this leads.  By the end of it all, people in the UK will be eating meat with their hands in order to be able to chew it into edible pieces while living in cardboard shacks because tools of all makes have been banned.
But then people will start killing each other in fits of rage/passion with rocks.
Surely there must be a way to ban rocks in the UK... despite the fact that the entire country is just one big rock.  Perhaps all hard objects will just have to go.  After all, if we can get rid of hard items then there should be no more murder and crime.
Except, suffocation by plastic bags!  No worry there, though, as those are already mostly outlawed under the population-control, genocidal United Nation's Agenda 21.

Sadly, this is not the first time I've written about the anti-knife initiative in the UK.
I wrote the following in 2009 during a similar drive to ban pointed culinary devices in my now retired personal blog:
According to the report, the number of knife deaths in areas targeted by an anti-knife crime scheme have risen, the Home Office has said. (they even call it the Home Office… can it be anymore obvious it is the exact same concept as the Stazi!)
If you don’t already get why this is so hilarious you really need to take some time to yourself and think about life and how you are missing out on what is going on.
I mean, a bunch of people were killed in the UK last year and a weapon of choice was knives. Sounds like a job for government!! Anti-knife campaign!!! That’ll stop people who have been so hurt by someone that they are infuriated and want to kill the person whom they deem responsible! Now, perhaps, thanks to this anti-knife campaign by the government, when this next happens, perhaps that person will think, hey, wait a minute. The government told me that knives are dangerous and bad. Perhaps I should use, I don’t know…. my car? a rock? my hammer?
However, if this campaign actually did work (impossible) and people started using hammers to get the revenge they are seeking, then we’ll have to sit through 2010’s UK anti-hammer campaign.
Possibly the funniest statement in this entire article is the final paragraph… a coup de grace!:
“Police stepped up searches and patrols in crime hotspots and ran courses to highlight the dangers of carrying knives. The results are mixed.”
Hahahahhahaa. I am so surprised that these courses aren’t working! I mean, if we can’t sit people down in a classroom for 2 hours and get them to realize that knives can kill people, what else can we do! I just hope the old saw about “running with scissors” doesn’t get forgotten in all this! And how exactly are the results “mixed”? The gov’t actually ran an anti-knife campaign and knife deaths went up. If this reporter was anything but a propagandist he would, based on the evidence, have to state that “the apparent result of the government run anti-knife campaign is to increase knife related incidents, perhaps due to raising awareness of the usefulness of knives as weapons to people who otherwise may not have considered it”.
Adding insult to injury, this NEWS about the knife program was offered up by the government news agency, BBC. If this wasn’t a government run news agency AND/OR a big media company (who owns the government) keeping the masses pacified then the headline should have obviously been, “Ridiculous Government Program Fails for 1,000,000th time in History”.
As you can see, the more things change the more they stay the same.  This is just the latest salvo in an anti-knife campaign that has been going on in the UK since at least 2009 with "mixed results".
It's good that in the colonies (the USSA), things aren't quite as bad yet as they are in the UK in terms of banning inanimate objects.  In the US the socialist collective are still trying to get rid of guns out of the hands of "civilians".  They still have the ridiculous idea of banning guns by having people on welfare (government employees) with guns go around and try to steal guns from productive people.
But, no matter the case, we must be close to approaching peak-statism.  How much further can the state have control of people's lives before they finally reach their breaking point?
Especially in light of the fact that almost all state programs have the opposite result of their intention.  The war on drugs?  There is more drug use.  The war on poverty?  There is more poverty.  Banning guns in places like Chicago?  There is more gun related deaths.  Trying to raise awareness about knife crime in the UK?  Knife crime rises.
Wake me up if people in the West ever figure this all out.  In the meantime I'll be eating steak with a beautiful, stainless steel serrated blade and polishing my guns in Anarchapulco.
Anarcho-Capitalist.  Libertarian.  Freedom fighter against mankind’s two biggest enemies, the State and the Central Banks.  Jeff Berwick is the founder of The Dollar Vigilante, CEO of TDV Media & Services and host of the popular video podcast, Anarchast.  Jeff is a prominent speaker at many of the world’s freedom, investment and gold conferences including his own, Anarchapulco, as well as regularly in the media including CNBC, CNN and Fox Business.

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