Thursday, November 13, 2014

Dr. Gruber Made It Plenty Clear What He Thinks Of Americans. Not Once But Three Times! It Was No Slip Of The Tongue!

That video of the Obamacare architect deriding ‘stupid’ American voters wasn’t just a one-time thing

Jonathan Gruber, the ideas man who consulted with the Department of Health and Human Services to help craft the theoretical underpinnings of Obamacare, has spent the past couple of days explaining why he described American voters as “stupid” in a video that recently surfaced on the Internet.
But, as it turns out, that one video was only the beginning. Two others have since surfaced — thanks largely to the efforts of a nonplussed investment adviser who began digging into the origins of the Affordable Care Act, after he reportedly lost his insurance when Obamacare was implemented in 2013.
Gruber told Fox News on Tuesday that he regretted having made the comments in the controversial video and that he was simply speaking “off the cuff” at an academic conference. Then Fox’s Megyn Kelly tossed out a second video in which Gruber essentially made the exact same point, including his “too stupid to understand” refrain.
Then, lo: a third video of Gruber dissing the hoi polloi began drawing attention Wednesday, after The Daily Caller published a story calling attention to its existence (the video has lingered on YouTube since November of 2012).
Speaking at a forum at the University of Rhode Island, Gruber stood for a full hour to delve into the thinking behind the Obama administration’s restructuring of health insurance policy. He spoke rapidly, but his statements were anything but “off the cuff.”
“It’s a very clever, you know, basically an exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the American voter,” Gruber helpfully explained.
Gruber also helped develop an Obamacare comic book to sell the Affordable Care Act to people who best understand complex information when there are few words and many pictures. Sounds like those people and “stupid” American voters might be one and the same.

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