Monday, November 10, 2014

In New York If You Don't Vote, The Democrats Will Come After You!! So Much For Doing Your Duty!!

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Democrats are known for pursuing an amazing amount of underhanded tactics to get people to vote. Heck, they’ll go so far as to stuff ballots, register dead people to vote, and get illegals in on the action.
And they’ve now taken it to a new level with “vote shaming.”
Plenty of people don’t vote because they’re not happy with any of the candidates on the ballot. But as Brooklyn-based musician, Jonathan Coulton, found out, that’s just not cool with the Democrats.
Just a few weeks ago he tweeted a picture of this letter along with the words, “I think the Democrats just threatened me.”
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What’s really weird is the creepy line at the end where they say if you don’t vote… “we will be interested to hear why not.”
This isn’t the only time Democrats have sent letters like this. Even in North Carolina voters are reporting similar treatment.
Voters in at least four counties – Wake, Durham, Orange and New Hanover – report receiving two different versions of letters from the [Democratic] party. One gives them a “report card” on their prior voting history – most are deemed “average” – while the other suggests the voter in question would be surveyed as to whether or not they cast a ballot in this year’s general election.
The letters use Democratic Party logos, and thesurvey letter is signed by Patsy Keever, who is given the title of “election day coordinator” on the letter. Keever is a former state representative who is a vice chairwoman of the North Carolina Democratic Party. The letters carry a disclaimer that they were ‘Paid for by the North Carolina Democratic Party.’
Democrats surely have no shame when it comes to pushing the envelope to get people to vote. It’s why they really don’t want voter ID laws to be put in place. And it’s why they keep pushing broad amnesty laws.
Heck, the real reasons they feel so comfortable employing these sneaky and underhanded tactics is because that’s exactly how they operate when they’re in office.
Never forget Democrats hate the success of Conservatives.
That’s exactly why Survival Life is doing a special promotion for conservatives…

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