Wednesday, November 19, 2014

News Media Is So Blatantly Anti-Israel That Even Their Corrections Show Their Hate For Israel

Anti-Israel Media Bias Taken To New Extremes

“Thorns and snares are in the way of the perverse; He who guards himself will be far from them.” (Proverbs 22:5)
Following a lethal terror attack on a Jewish synagogue early Tuesday morning, in which four Rabbis and a police officer were killed and eight worshippers were injured, CNN, the Guardian, and other western media outlets portrayed anti-Israel biased to an unprecedented degree.
Mistaking a Jewish synagogue for a mosque, and failing to mention that the attackers were Palestinian, CNN and the Guardian broke all the rules when it came to reporting. Instead, initial reports from the two agencies stated; “4 Israelis and 2 Palestinians dead in Jerusalem”. This headline would insinuate that an attack was carried out against both Jews and Palestinians while in reality, the two Palestinians carried out the attack and were only shot by police after their brutal murder of innocent worshippers during the morning service.
According to a report in the Jerusalem Post, The Guardian ran a story about the attack which they received from the Reuters News Agency. The wire dispatch which Reuters sent to a number of news sites and media outlets, read; ‘Palestinians kill four in Jerusalem synagogue attack’. The article lead with the sentence: ”Two Palestinians armed with a meat cleaver and a gun killed four people in a Jerusalem synagogue on Tuesday before being shot dead by police….”
The Guardian however, changed their headline to read; “Four worshippers killed in attack on Jerusalem synagogue” and removed any reference to ‘Palestinians from the headline. They wrote; “Two men armed with axes, knives and a pistol have killed four Israelis and wounded several others in a Jerusalem synagogue …” . The headline was later changed to include the identity of the attackers as Palestinians after numerous Palestinian sites did so.
The CBC, a Canadian crown corporation, owned by the very pro-Israel Canadian government, continues to be very anti-Israel in their reporting of the Israeli – Palestinian conflict. Their original headline read: “Jerusalem police fatally shoot 2 after apparent synagogue attack.” It was later changed to “4 Dead in Jerusalem Synagogue Attack, 1 Canadian Israeli Among Injured”. The news outlet made sure to mention all Canadian ties to the event including Jerusalem synagogue attack: Joyce Morel, Canadian MD, among 1st responders.
CNN however, made the biggest gaffe of all. The news outlet ran a headline that stated “4 Israelis and 2 Palestinians dead in Jerusalem”.
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CNN failed to mention that the two Palestinians were the terrorists. Later, after realizing their mistake as a result of public outcry, CNN apologized for the headline, and wrote: “As CNN updated its reporting on the terrorist attack on the synagogue in Jerusalem earlier today, our coverage did not immediately reflect the fact that the two Palestinians killed were the attackers. We erred and regret the mistake.” Even after releasing the public apology, CNN continued to report inaccurate information about the attack including that the attack was perpetrated in a Jerusalem Mosque.
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Earlier, CNN reported on the death of two Palestinians with no mention of the terror attack they had committed or the innocent worshipers they has injured and murdered.


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