Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Nine Unprovoked Attacks On Israelis Should Be Met With Strong Response.

IDF Soldier Among Dead in Latest String of Terror Attacks (VIDEO)

“Deliver me, O Lord, from evil men; preserve me from violent men.” (Psalm 140:1)
In the last 24 hours, Palestinian terrorists have carried out approximately nine attacks in Israel. The attacks claimed the lives of a 20-year-old IDF soldier and a 26-year-old woman.
IDF soldier Almog Shiloni, who was stabbed by a terrorist while waiting for a bus in Tel Aviv, died of his wounds on Monday afternoon. Israel Radio reported that family members of the terrorist,  Nur al-Din Abu Hashiyeh, were arrested at the family home in Nablus and taken for questioning.
Hamas spokesman Husam Badran praised the attack, saying it served as a sign to Israel of the determination of the Palestinian people.
IDF solider Almog Shiloni who was killed in a terror attack on November 10, 2014.
IDF solider Almog Shiloni who was killed in a terror attack on November 10, 2014.
“We are talking about a swift response to the execution of the young man from Kafr Kanna by the Israeli police and with the encouragement of the political leadership,” Badran said. “The attack is part of a welcome plan that reflects the tenacity of our people to resist the occupation and move against the crimes [committed] in al-Aqsa and in Jerusalem.”
In the second terror attack on Monday evening, a terrorist rammed his car into a young woman waiting by a bus stop outside the town of Alon Shvut in the Gush Etzion area of Judea. Identified as 26-year-old Dalia Lemkus from Tekoa, the terrorist pulled over, got out, ran back to Dalia and stabbed her multiple times in order to verify her death.
The terrorist, identified as Maher Hamdi al-Hashalmoun, is an operative of the Islamic Jihad terror group. From Hebron, al-Hashalmoun spent four and a half years in Israeli prison for Molotov cocktail attacks. He was released five years aho.
Lemkus was the daughter of South African immigrants to Israel, and had previously been the victim of a stabbing attack in 2006. Lemkus was remembered by friends and family as being a very giving person with a warm heart.
Footage from a security camera shows that other motorists stopped their cars and began to intervene. Al-Hashalmoun turned on those trying to save Dalia. Two people were injured and remain in serious to moderate condition.
Al-Hashalmoun was eventually shot and injured by a security official from a nearby town.
Security forces in Hebron searched the home of al-Hashalmoun in search of evidence that the attack was premeditated and for other deadly weapons.
Graphic Video: Attack in Gush Etzion
In response to the attacks, the IDF has increased its ranks in various locations throughout Judea and Samaria, even cancelling training sessions and deploying the soldiers as needed. Israeli Police have continued to deploy increased numbers in major cities and flashpoints across Israel, including in and near the town of Kfar Kana which saw its fourth straight day of rioting and violent demonstrations.
Prime Minister Netanyahu instructed officials to move forward with the demolishing of the homes of terrorists in an effort to restore a sense of deterrence against possible future attacks.
Dalia Lemkus
Dalia Lemkus
In addition to Monday’s two fatal attacks, numerous other attacks were successfully thwarted by Israeli security official. Media reports indicate that Jerusalem Police apprehended a knife wielding individual in the open market of Machane Yehuda street.
In a separate incident, an Arab attacked security guards with a knife at a Light Rail stop in Jerusalem. In Be’er Sheva, a woman was nearly run over in what appears to be an attempted vehicular terror attack. Along the highway connecting Jerusalem and the Dead Sea, Palestinians threw rocks at passing Israeli cars, damaging vehicles.
In the Jewish city of Kochav Yaakov, just north of Jerusalem, residents were put on lockdown due to a suspected terrorist infiltration.
The day’s attacks increased anti-Arab sentiment among Israelis across the country. Anti-Arab protests were held in Bat-Yam and Jerusalem, while violence broke out between Israelis and Palestinians near the Huwwara checkpoint outside Nablus.
The attacks on Monday raised the number of those killed in terror attacks in the last month to six, which is more than the number killed in the previous year. Over 100 Israelis have been injured in terror attacks in the last month.

Read more at http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/24145/idf-soldier-among-dead-latest-string-terror-attacks-video/#lxgvl2bPIbqYF7eu.99

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