Monday, November 10, 2014

Plain Speaking Sarah Palin Once Again Hits A Home Run!

Sarah Palin Makes an Announcement that We’ve All Been Waiting to Hear

Sarah Palin went on the Sean Hannity show a couple of nights ago to give her impression of what might happen next, now that the GOP has trounced the Democrats in the mid-term elections. Her predictions aren’t encouraging, but one thing she said certainly shines a ray of light into the shadows of America’s political future. She made an incredible announcement.
Palin Makes an Announcement that We've All Been Waiting to Hear
According to the Sarah Palin Information Blog and the video from the Hannity Show, Governor Palin pulls no punches when she lays out her advice for the newly Republican controlled Congress.
When asked what her advice to the newly elected Republicans in Congress was, Governor Palin said that they have been given a mandate to stop Barack Obama and give us our freedom.  She said the GOP shouldn’t get overconfident and think they can “go back to status quo and expect victory in 2016.  It’s kind of like once-bitten, twice-shy with so many of us….We’re saying, ‘You try that again, and 2016 will not go well for us….   My warning is:  you get there, you stop Barack Obama in his fundamental transformation of America and secure our freedom, and you playhard ball.”
I, like millions of other Americans, appreciate Governor Palin’s no-nonsense approach to politics and her down-to-earth way of addressing the real issues plaguing our government. She often offers common sense solutions that her peers seem to want to shrug off. Perhaps her ideas are simply too honest for them to comprehend?
Palin Makes an Announcement that We've All Been Waiting to Hear
She said that America’s expectations of Republicans are “first and foremost, to stop Obama, his failed policies, his lawlessness, … fulfill their campaign promises and stand strong on the planks of the Republican platform, and they can get specific from there.  Lower the corporate tax rate, quit shoving  jobs overseas, allow competition in the health care system once you repeal Obamacare, as you promised to do, GOP.  And allow employers to hire more people – full time jobs, not part time jobs. What’s going on right now, Sean, is the decimation of the middle class…. Open borders of course is another step toward the decimation of the middle class, because we’ll have a flood of illegal immigrants coming in to compete with American jobs.”
Is she right? Of course she is. She has broken free from the politically correct restraints of being a politician in order to speak freely and directly to the American people, and her support base has never been larger than it is today.
However, given the assertion in this interview with Hannity in which she proclaims she is indeed planning on once again seeking political office, I can only predict that with her style of unapologetic patriotism that she is going to grow exponentially in popularity and bring the “establishment” to its knees.
I have a feeling that she and Iowa Senator-elect Joni Ernst, as a team, would be a tough team to defeat if they ever decided to combine their efforts to take America back!
If we elected our leaders based on patriotism, strength, and common sense, I think a Palin-Ernst ticket would be solid!
I’d love to hear your comments. Feel free to sound off!

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