Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Should Government Be Paying Those Who Are Overweight To Lose Weight? Apparently, This British Woman Believes So!

Liberal Logic: 350 lb Welfare Mom Says, “I Can’t Afford to Lose Weight”


A British welfare recipient says it’s not her fault that she is overweight and that the government should pay her to lose weight.
Christina Briggs says that she can’t afford to buy healthy food or a gym membership, that she has to stay home and care for her daughter who has been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and kidney problems. Never mind the connection between processed and sugary foods to hyperactivity and attention issues in children and diabetic conditions which lead to kidney problems. Never mind the fact that she is covered in tattoos.  And has pictures of cabinets literally overflowing with food.
But she says that it’s not her fault. Even though her doctor has said that she is morbidly obese, she still says that she needs a financial incentive to lose weight. And, while a gym membership may be nice, is there anyone else who really believes that she couldn’t take a walk or play some soccer (er… football. She is British, after all…) with her kids. Or do you really need  cabinets full of chocolate chip cookies and PopTarts and jars of marshmallow cream? How about cutting back on all of those “necessary” sugary snacks and buying less food that is actually healthy because, frankly, it looks like both less sugar and less food would help.  She says:
“I need more benefits to eat healthily and exercise and it would be good if the government offered a cash incentive for me to lose weight. I’d like to get £1 for every pound I lose. If the price of healthy food was lowered that would help too. I need help but I need it from the government.”
Frankly, if I used that kind of logic, my nice, quiet, and very patient wife would slap me silly and tell me to get a grip on reality.
And this is the fundamental problem with liberals: they live in a dream land instead of dealing with reality. The reality for each of us is that, if we want a better life for ourselves and for our families, then government’s job is to keep other people from stealing from us and oppressing us. This violates everything that liberals hold dear. Unfortunately, they are completely blind to the fact that the reality of the world for people outside of Hollywood and Washington is: “If it is to be, it’s up to me!”

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