Sunday, November 9, 2014

Tragedy Averted. Queen Elizabeth Targeted For Assassination

BREAKING: Islamic Terrorists Caught While Planning to Assassinate Major World Leader

British police and intelligence services have disrupted and stopped an alleged plot to assassinate Queen Elizabeth over this Remembrance Day weekend. (H/T
Scotland Yard isn’t saying much, but did confirm that the alleged plot in London was part of “an ongoing investigation into Islamist-related terrorism”.

They did not confirm who the target was, but it is widely believed that Queen Elizabeth was set to be attacked by knife or gun wielding Islamists at a wreath-laying ceremony.
Both the Queen and Prime Minister David Cameron have been informed of the plot.
It is also suspected that, should the planned attack on the Queen not prove feasible, that the Islamists could have also intended to attack random members of the public, other dignitaries, or members of law enforcement and the military.
Neither the palace nor the police are discussing increased security measures, but there has been a noticeable increase in armed security following the terrorist attack on the Canadian War Memorial and Parliament a couple of weeks ago.
Based on intelligence gathered by the British MI5 agency, four men with known Islamist ties were arrested in London.
One of the men has already had run-ins with law enforcement over his connections to jihadism, and another had recently had his passport seized by police after they became aware that he planned to travel to the Middle East to join the jihad there.
The arrests come amid a heightened awareness of and crackdown on radical Islamic terrorism in the UK, as hundreds of British Muslims are trying to travel to Iraq and Syria tojoin the Islamic State, and ISIS is calling for those jihadis to launch “lone wolf” attacks within their Western homelands.
The UK is currently under a “severe” terrorism threat level, meaning that they believe a terrorist attack is highly likely.

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