Monday, December 8, 2014

Are Ferguson, New York And Other Protests Opportunities For ISIS? Very Possibly! Could We Be Seeing The Beginning Of The End Our Nation?


The protests in Ferguson have been violent. At the heart of the unrest is a severe dissatisfaction amongst black youth at the seemingly unjust treatment they’ve experienced at the hands of whites.
While racial tensions have lessened with each passing year, the media is using Ferguson to their own ends.
One of the chief reasons (though it’s hushed-up) is to help stir up anti-white backlash.
And this anti white sentiment is the perfect breeding ground for what Islamists need to foster further expansion.
In particular the growth of Islam in America has exploded within black communities, with much of it happening inside of prison walls where Muslims find the violent message of Islam quite appealing.
In Ferguson, Muslims see fertile soil to sow their message of hate.
ISIS has taken to social media and is encouraging protestors in Ferguson (who are typically black) to continue in their struggle.
They have even volunteered support.
An individual by the name of Abu Hussain Al-Britani tweeted:
“We hear you and we will help you if you accept Islam and reject corrupt man-made laws like democracy and pledge your allegiance to Caliph Abu Bakr and then we will shed our blood for you and send our soldiers that don’t sleep, whose drink is blood, and their play is carnage.”
Muslims are looking to Ferguson and the great unrest as an opportunity to create discord.
WND quotes Rev. Jesse Lee Patterson: “To a sane person it sounds ridiculous, but to an insanely angry person it is very tempting…If they can pledge their allegiance to Louis Farrakhan then they can pledge their allegiance to ISIS.”
Take a look at what’s been making the rounds in Twitter.
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One Twitter user by the name of Abu Hamza As Somaal wrote, “White pigs oppressed our brothers for a long (sic) it’s a time to claim our right through #jihad through #FergusonDecision,” in addition to writing, “My fellow black community know that #Jihad is the only thing that will bring justice, respect and honour in #FergusonDecision #Islamic State.”
The mainstream media has been notably absent in covering these developments.
But in a previous article we covered, it’s not on their radar to make these kinds of issues known.
But Muslims are eying these developments with eager eyes.
Now is as important a time as ever for Americans to fight for their second amendment rights.

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