Tuesday, December 30, 2014

At Least Some Black People Get It! Mike Brown Started The Chain Of Events That Ended His Life!

From Conservative United blog

This Lady’s Uncensored Rant Is Capturing the Hearts of Conservatives Everywhere (VIDEO)

HonestlySpeakingWhen it comes to Michael Brown, Jr., and the events in Ferguson, Missouri, the country is polarized. Everyone has an opinion.
Sometimes, however, we tend to generalize about what those opinions may be.
A lady who posts on YouTube as Honestly Speaking recently uploaded a video sharing her thoughts, and her straightforward take on the situation has been welcomed by Conservatives of all races.
Her video has been watched by almost a million viewers to date. (Warning: Strong language.)
While it is true the majority of black Americans vote Democratic, conservatism has a strong appeal in the black community. The traditional values of hard work, patriotism, and social conservatism are closely aligned with the values of the black church. Honestly Speaking makes a strong case for personal responsibility.
We don’t know much about Honestly Speaking. She just joined YouTube on December 2, 2014. But it’s going to be interesting to see what she has to say in the future.

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