Friday, December 19, 2014

Boehner Is Not The Leader Of The Opposition, He Believes In Big And Bigger Government.



The election of 2014 proved one thing. America is hungry for change. So much so that they voted out Democrats and Republicans in record numbers.
GOP leadership is still dug in deep, and they know that they only have a short amount of time to inflict as much damage as they can before the incoming class of freshman Republicans stand in their way.
That’s why Boehner and his buddies rushed to push their Omnibus bill through in just a few short hours.
The $1.1 Trillion dollar spending program fully funds amnesty as well as Obamacare, and should raise some serious concerns for every hard working American.
The worst part is these “leaders” have worked together with the White House to make sure that Obama’s pet programs are well funded.
The Guardian writes about this unlikely partnership:
Republicans formed an unlikely alliance with the White House in a late-night scramble to pass a $1.1tn federal budget over the objections of House Democrats, who claim it has been hijacked by Wall Street lobbyists and campaign finance interests.
In dramatic scenes that mirrored the lead-up to the government shutdown of October 2013, White House chief of staff Denis McDonough spent three hours locked in talks with the House Democratic caucus on Thursday night trying to persuade its members to drop their opposition to the so-called “cromnibus” and pleading with them that it was the best deal available.
The one thing you can determine from this is the Republican leadership wants to make it so Obama can advance his agenda. Americans want secure borders and the repeal of Obamacare, and GOP leadership could care less about the wishes and desires of Americans.
Sean Hannity slammed Boehner for his serious missteps.
John “Gruber” Boehner, two days after the election, talking tough on the issue of amnesty. But unfortunately, that is all it was, because, it’s conservatives who feel like they have been burned, as the speaker aligned himself with the president, with Harry Reid, Steny Hoyer, and Joe Biden to pass a spending bill just a short time ago…
John Boehner “Grubered” conservatives tonight and by that, I mean the conservative base in particular. And Michele Bachmann hit the nail on the head; he never would have done this before the election. He has no inspiring vision and to me, he’s everything that’s wrong with Washington. He’s a Democratic Party Lite. He doesn’t have those bold color differences that Reagan talked about. And in my view, he shouldn’t be the speaker. He should be replaced.
This kind of betrayal is one of the worst to have been put on the American people.
It’s disgusting to see what is being done behind closed doors in the name of corporate greed.
The same things are happening consistently in D.C.
One of the other major problems to arise in recent years has to do with the development of alliances between big food and medical companies.
These programs have not only contributed to a rise in disease rates, but also food costs.
If you want to get safer food at 10 cents on the dollar you need to see how easy it can be.

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