Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Everytime The President Opens HIs Mouth, More Lies Fall Out. We Are In A Period Of Decline.

Obama’s Latest LAUGHABLE Doozy Could Win Him Lie Of The Decade

Barack Obama is no stranger to lying to the American people, but his latest act of deceit has been a little more than transparent. According to Obama, America today is “less racially divided” than when Obama took office back in 2008.
Hopefully, you didn’t fall out of your chair laughing so hard.
Obama’s Latest LAUGHABLE Doozy Could Win Him Lie Of The Decade
The easily refutable remarks came about during an NPR interview:
STEVE INSKEEP: “Is the United States more racially divided than it was when you took office six years ago, Mr. President?”
PRESIDENT OBAMA: “No, I actually think that it’s probably in its day-to-day interactions less racially divided. But I actually think that the issue has surfaced in a way that probably is healthy.
“I mean, the issue of police and communities of color being mistrustful of each other is hardly new; that dates back a long time. It’s just something that hasn’t been talked about — and for a variety of reasons.”
Always trying to pervert the truth into something that fits his agenda or paints him in a more suiting light, Obama went on to say, “In some cases, something as simple as the fact that everybody has cellphones now so that you can record some of these events, you know, it’s gotten a lot of attention; I think that’s good. I think it then points to our ability to solve these problems.”
Unfortunately for Obama, the problems that are around today are indicative of the exact opposite of what he’s trying to convince the American people. There is a problem, and it’s still around because our nation’s leaders aren’t solving them – in fact, they’ve only fueled them further.
However, Obama seemed hell-bent on trying to sell this polished turd as he eventually stated:
“It’s understandable the polls might say, you know, that race relations have gotten worse — because when it’s in the news and you see something like Ferguson or the Garner case in New York, then it attracts attention. But I assure you, from the perspective of African-Americans or Latinos in poor communities who have been dealing with this all their lives, they wouldn’t suggest somehow that it’s worse now than it was 10, 15 or 20 years ago.”
This may be true, but the glaring reality is this isn’t the message Obama is sending. Instead, when incidents that cause racial tension come about, Obama is usually the first saying something like, “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon,” pushing the “whites hate blacks” narrative just that much further.
Let’s just make one thing clear – race relations aren’t any better than when Obama came into office, and if we were to say, strictly for argument’s sake, that they were, it is in no way on account of Obama or his actions. What do you think of this?

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