Friday, December 19, 2014

Hamas Gets Off Terrorist List And The Next Day They Send Rockets Into Israel! It Is Time To Destroy Hamas!

Gaza Rocket Lands Outside of Eshkol Town

In breach of truce, rocket hits outside town a day after Hamas holds its largest military exercise since operation protective edge.
First Publish: 12/19/2014, 12:05 PM / Last Update: 12/19/2014, 12:08 PM

Rocket fire from Gaza (file)
Rocket fire from Gaza (file)
Flash 90
A rocket was fired from Gaza early Friday afternoon, breaking the truce reached at the end of the last Hamas terror war.
"Color red" rocket warning sirens were sounded in communities in the Eshkol Regional Council area just outside of Gaza, and shortly thereafter it was reported that a rocket struck just outside a community in Eshkol; no wounds or damage were reported.
On Thursday there was a false alarm in Be'er Sheva, with rocket sirens sounding reportedly due to a technical malfunction.
The attack comes a day after Hamas held its largest military exercise since Operation Protective Edge on the ruins of two former Israeli villages - Dugit and Nissanit - in Gaza which were evacuated in the 2005 Disengagement plan, allowing Hamas to take over.
In the past few months, since the end of Operation Protective Edge, various incidents have occurred indicating Hamas' attempt to rebuild and regain military strength.
Among other things, the IDF has reported multiple test rocket launchings conducted by Hamas, in which rockets were shot out into the Mediterranean Sea.
In addition to restoring its rocket cache, Hamas has been activelyrebuilding the terror tunnels into Israel meant to attack civilians.
At least 30 of the tunnels were destroyed during the operation, and Hamas is currently using reconstruction materials sent to it by world nations and Israel to rebuild the tunnels.

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