Thursday, December 4, 2014

Its Obvious McConnell Has NO Understanding Of The Dictatorial Ambitions Of Obama. Does The Future Senate Majority Leader Not Understand Obama?

McConnell surprised at Obama’s actions since midterm losses

Incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday that he’s “perplexed” by President Barack Obama’s doubling down on certain leftist positions after Democrats suffered a “butt-kicking” in the midterm elections.
The remarks came as McConnell appeared at an event sponsored by The Wall Street Journal CEO Council Tuesday.
“By any objective standard the president got crushed in this election,” he said, according to WSJ. “So I’ve been perplexed by the reaction since the election, the sort of in your face dramatic move to the left. I don’t know what we can expect in terms of reaching bipartisan agreement.”
GOP lawmakers have been extremely critical of Obama’s decision last month to issue an executive order granting amnesty to as many as 5 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. In addition, the president has unilaterally worked out a greenhouse gas agreement with China and called for new regulations on Internet providers.
“We need to quit rattling the economy with things that are perceived by the voters as disturbing,” McConnell said, vowing to avoid another government shutdown to walk back Obama’s actions.
The GOP suffered falling approval ratings as a result of the last economic shutdown.
The lawmaker suggested that Republicans will attempt to undo Obama’s immigration actions by voting on individual components of the omnibus immigration bill produced last year by the bipartisan Gang of Eight.
“What I think we ought to do is bust it up, pass as much of it as we can, starting with border security, which is a way of reassuring the American people that we’re not going to have another calamity like we’ve had,” McConnell said.
“I would bust it up if I were setting the agenda in the Senate, start with border security, H-1B visa expansion, H-2A ag worker provisions, E–Verify and some of the other things I think we can get pretty broad agreement on,” he continued.
McConnell also told the gathering that the new Republican majority is willing to work with the president moving forward despite “a deep philosophical difference” that could cause problems.

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