Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Obama's Recognition Of Cuba Is Seconded By Castro. Can It Be Good For The US? Doubtful!

Castro: Obama's move deserves 'respect'

Cuban President Raúl Castro on Wednesday expressed support for President Obama's move to normalize relations between the countries. 

“We have been able to advance the solutions of 
some themes of interest to both nations,” Castro said in a nationally televised speech, The New York Times reports. “This decision of President Obama deserves the respect and acknowledgment of our people.”
“This does not mean the principal issue has been resolved,” he added. “The blockade which causes much human and economic damage to our country should cease.”
The U.S. on Wednesday announced moves to establish an embassy in Cuba and ease travel and economic restrictions. In addition, American aid worker Alan Gross, who had been imprisoned for five years, was released, as was an unidentified man imprisioned for nearly 20 years. The U.S. gave up three Cubans convicted of spying on anti-Castro organizations in Miami. 
Castro said differences remain between the U.S. and Cuba remain, but the countries have to live with their differences "in a civilized manner," according to The Associated Press. 
A 45-minute phone call between Castro and Obama capped months of negotiations between the countries to ease the decades-long freeze in relations between the countries. 
Pope Francis also played an important role in encouraging the talks between the two. 

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