Saturday, December 20, 2014

Stores Leaving Ferguson Due To Riots. The Rioters Hurt The Very People Who Serve Their Needs. In A Word, The Rioters Were Idiots! It Did Major Damage And Did Not Improve On Anything.

Major Retail Chain Decides to Shut Down in Ferguson… Wonder Why?

Friday, December 19th, 2014
Back in August, following the shooting of 18-year-old black man Michael Brown by white officer Darren Wilson, the town of Ferguson, Mo., exploded in racially motivated anti-police protests and riots, which ultimately saw a number of small businesses looted and burned to the ground, except for the ones that had armed business owners protecting their own stores.
The protests continued to simmer and carried on over the next few months, until the St. Louis County grand jury announced that they would not indict Wilson, which led to a renewed round of rioting, looting, and arson, leaving several more businesses as smoldering piles of rubble.
Although the rioting and looting has mostly disappeared, having moved on to other cities as part of a broader protest movement, the city of Ferguson is still hurting, especially economically.
According to local St. Louis station KMOV, that economic hurt will continue for the foreseeable future, as a second major retail chain store has decided to close the doors to their Ferguson location.
Big Lots has joined Kmart in choosing to close down their Ferguson-area stores. They claim that the decision has nothing to do with the recent unrest, but small business owners in the area see things differently.
The owner of a nail salon in the same strip as the Big Lots store says that business is down 50% since the unrest began, and plans to leave once their lease is up.
They pointed out that the hair salon next door had already shut down due to business being off so much.
“I worked at Salon Selective and I lost my job. She closed up after the riots. Her clients did not want to come over here anymore because of all the things going on,” Carolyn Tidwell told KMOV.
Residents in Ferguson are getting worried as they see so many stores closing down, even after the riots and unrest have stopped.
Although the Walmart and Sam’s Club stores weren’t looted during the riots, and say they have no plans to close, they have admitted that they have seen changes in their business and operations since the unrest began.
As if the riots, looting, and arson in and of themselves didn’t do enough damage, now they are costing people jobs and costing the city tax revenue.
Sadly, this is what happens when race baiters, socialists and anarchists get together to agitate and instigate mobs of people into riotous unrest.  When mobs are allowed to riot, loot, and burn businesses, people shouldn’t be surprised when other businesses decide to leave, instead of waiting to see if they get hit by the next round of violence.

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