Sunday, December 14, 2014

The First Move To Isolate Israel By PA Will Be Supported By US

PA to Submit Unilateral UN Resolution on Wednesday

PA announces the draft resolution that would set a deadline for Israel to “end its occupation” will be submitted on Wednesday.
First Publish: 12/14/2014, 11:45 PM

UN Security Council
The Palestinian Authority (PA) announced on Sunday that the draft resolution to the United Nations Security Council that would set a two-year deadline for Israel to “end its occupation” will be submitted on Wednesday.
"The Palestinian leadership took a decision to go to the Security Council next Wednesday to vote on their project to end the occupation," seniorPalestine Liberation Organization (PLO) member Wassel Abu Yussef toldAFP after a meeting in Ramallah.
The Israeli foreign ministry declined to comment ahead of Monday's meeting in Rome between Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.
Kerry arrived in Italy Sunday amid a European-led drive to push moves towards Palestinian statehood, with officials saying he sought to learn more about the European position.
In the past the United States has consistently used its UN veto power to block moves it sees as anti-Israel, but U.S. officials said they drew a distinction between a unilateral step, and an effort to draw up amultilateral resolution at the UN Security Council, which would have the backing of many nations.
The PA has been threatening for months to go through with its unilateral draft solution at the UN Security Council, a move that is contradictory to the Oslo Accords to which it is signed.
The move has been accompanied by threats, with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas having recently threatened to cut ties with Israel if his latest unilateral move at the UN fails.
Fatah leader Nabil Shaath recently threatened Israel with a “political war” if there is a negative response to Abbas’s steps at the United Nations.

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